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Kim Seokjin never curses. He swore he would never do so when he was a kid after constantly hearing his parents swear at each other. Growing up he assumed that those bad words led to their separation.

He could still hear them fighting in the kitchen, even after he and his mom moved to the new place in this new city.

"Where the fuck is my paycheck going?" His dad would shout in a frenzied rage, slamming his fist on the kitchen island. Seokjin would usually be at the dining table, waiting patiently through the chaos for dinner.

"Up your ass with all the shit you're buying!" His mom would yell back, staring down his six foot Hulk of a father defiantly. As a professional boxing trainer his father is a giant. A giant in both stature and personality. He loses his temper easily, unused to problems that he can't solve with his fists or a mean glare, which meant he was almost rarely on good terms with Seokjin's mom.

He's also the shopaholic in the family, constantly buying expensive cars and watches to suit his fancy or to soothe his stress. This led to loads of unpaid credit bills and countless other debts which he would always blame on everyone else.

"Stop covering for your son!" He'd yell next, pointing an angry finger at Seokjin, sitting still on the table. "He can face me himself, unless he's too much of a pussy to."

His father would always call him out for being closer to his mom and for not being into whatever his dad was into. Seokjin loves cooking, doesn't mind cleaning, and does the grocery shopping. He hated boxing and cars and whatever else his dad usually liked. The only thing they agreed on was shopping for clothes but he didn't much care for brands the way his dad does. He can find clothes that look just as expensive for literally ninety percent less the price at the underground market. 

But anyway, he doesn't care about his dad anymore. It used to hurt that his own dad thinks he's a coward but later realized that he doesn't really want to end up like him. A thickheaded idiot.

What he cares about now is the boy in front of him.

"Fuck," he mutters, barely audible to the rest of the room under the noise of the others, but the other guy hears him clearly.

"I'm Yoongi," Short says, reaching a hand out and mouth stretching into a smug smile, "fuck you too."

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