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The group all reluctantly walked into the rotting house. Vera stood in front of the door, she closed her eyes taking a deep breath in before crossing the threshold into the house.

Stanley stood at the entrance shaking. Vera turned when Ben called out to the boy. "Stan, we all have to go. B-Beverly was right. If we split up like last time the clown will kill us one by one, but if we s-stick together... All of us, we'll win." Bill said to the boy who was sweating, tears threatening to pour from his eyes.

Vera walked to him, grabbing a hold of both his hands. "Stanley, we want to do this just as much as you do. Bill is right, we have to stick together. We were almost killed by this thing, do you want that to continue? Or you walk into this house and join us in getting rid of this thing for good." Vera looked him deeply in his eyes.

"Do this for us, Stan. For Beverly..." Vera paused, holding his cheeks in her hands now. "For me." He nodded still noticeably shaking. "I won't let anything happen to you, I promise." She held his hand, walking with him into the creaking house.

The losers followed Bill to the basement where he'd last seen the clown. The group shined their flashlights towards a large well in the ground, a trail of blood leading down it.

"Hey Eddie, gotta quarter?" Richie asked the small boy whilst looking down the well. "I wouldn't want to make a wish in that fucking thing." Eddie and the rest of the losers joined Richie around the well looking down into it.

"Beverly!" Bill called out into the well in hopes the girl would answer. "How are we suppose to get down there?" Mike asked the group. They all looked around the room for something to get them down the well.

"Over here," Vera called out, her flashlight shining on a long rope. The group worked together to tie knots into the rope and tie it to a secure place so when they applied pressure it wouldn't give in and have the kids plummet to their death.

Bill climbed down it first. Then Eddie, Richie, Ben, Vera, Stanley, and last Mike. As Mike was starting to come down the rope, a bloody Henry Bowers threw him away from the rope and pulled it up so no one could leave. As Mike and Henry fought the group yelled out to the boy.

"I should get up there!" Bill told his friends. "With what Bill? The fucking douchebag took the rope!" Vera said in frustration to the stuttering boy.

A large bang was heard causing all the kids to avert their attention to the mullet-haired boy who went flying down the well screaming as he fell. "Holy shit!" Richie yelled out, mouth wide open.

"Mike!" Eddie called up causing the group to do the same. "I'm okay." He said out of breath. He climbed down the rope joining his friends.

Vera turned her head to notice the boy who was once behind her had disappeared. "Stanley?" She called out worriedly. "Oh my god, Stanley!" She yelled out again becoming frantic. "Guys! Guys!" She got her friends attention. "Where the fuck is Stanley?" They all looked at her wide-eyed as they started moving quickly down the tunnel shouting the boy's name.

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