Chapter 9

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Y/n Pov
After finishing at the weights I decided I would be done for the day and just head back to the bus and shower off before Randy and I go out later. Once again, he didn't tell me what kind of outfit I should wear, I thought as I started the water. Maybe I'll just wait until he gets back to ask him.
It was around 12pm now and I was still awaiting on Randy to get back. I've been sitting on the couch with a towel wrapped around my body still waiting to find out what kind of outfit to wear. I went in our bedroom to find a blanket when I heard the bus door slamming shut. "Damnit!"
"Y/n!" It was Randy. I quickly grabbed one of his RKO shirts and some shorts and threw them on before I went out. "Yes?" His face was bright red. "Come here!" Randy was fuming, and it was terrifying. I went and sat down next to him. "What's wrong?" No reply. "Randy?" He just layed his head on my shoulder. "Hunter is putting us in a new story line with the shield, even though he knows about my fight with Seth over you. I'm telling you Seth is going to do something he regrets and when he becomes hospitalized don't blame me for it."
"What do you mean Seth is going to do something he regrets?" I asked. He looked up with this fire in his eyes. "If he touches you, goes near you, hell, even if he looks at you the wrong way he's dead. I'm not letting you become another victim of Seth's circus." This is a side of Randy I haven't seen.
I sighed and stood up fixing my shirt. "What should I wear?" I said. "We're going out to a restaurant, so wear what ever you'd like." I nodded and walked into our room.

I put on a blue dress with some tan heels and earnings. When I found out I was going to be traveling for the next few years, I brought some comfy cloths, and some nice dressy cloths. I mean, I'm trying to look nice. I did some light makeup and decided that was it wand walked out to find Randy already dressed.

He wore a two-tone button down shirts, dress pants and converse with a watch. "You look gorgeous." He said standing up. I blushed. "You don't look to bad yourself Viper-Boy." Randy rolled his eyes and opened the bus door. "Ready to go?" I nodded and walked out of the bus to our car that we would be returning after our date.
After 5 minutes of being in the car, I spoke up. "Aren't we driving to the next city tomorrow morning?" I asked. "Yeah, after Hunter talks to us and the other members of Shield." He said, keeping his eyes on the road.
I decided not to say anything else, hearing the frustration in his voice just talking about the event taking place the next morning.

We pulled up to a fancy restaurant, with a French name I'm not even going to try and pronounce. We walked in got seats and looked at our menus. "Hi welcome to the restaurant, can I start you off with some drinks?" A tall blonde lady asked walking rather close to Randy. "A bottle of wine." He said. "Alright, I'll be right back." The waitress said, grabbing Randy's shoulder and winking.
"You ok Y/n?" I stopped and looked at him. "It looks like you're trying to burn a hole through the back of her head." I just smiled, because in reality, I was trying to. "So Y/n, what got you into wrestling?" He asked. "Um, well tough childhood I guess. I'm self taught on self defense. I also watched wrestling for awhile, and I admired a man's work and just decided to pursue this dream of mine." I said playing with the napkin on my lap.
   "And who is this superstar?" He asked intrigued. "I-" "Here's your bottle of wine and glasses, sorry it took longer then expected." The waitress said. She now had cleavage. Alright that's it. "Ok, um, can you please put your plastic boob job away and get your filthy hands off my man? That'd be great thanks. " The waitress gave me this disgusted look and walked away.
    Randy looked a little shocked. He called over a waiter and asked for our bill. I just put my head down in embarrassment as everyone was just starring at me. I heard his chair scoot out and get pushed back in. "Stand up." He said. I stood up and headed straight for the door. I got to the car and just put my head in my hands. Why would I do something like that? Now Randy is going to think I'm some kind of psycho.
   The car door unlocked and I got in, putting my seatbelt on and facing the window. Within seconds the car took off down the road. We finally pulled into the parking lot of the arena. I went to get out of the car when the door locked. "I have to wait outside for the guy to come pick up the car, but when I come back inside, we are having a talk, understand?" Randy said irritated. I didn't reply. He grabbed my arm and jerked it closer to him. "Understand?" "F-Fine."
   I got onto the bus and went to my suit case and picked out a t-shirt and some low-cut sports shorts to change into. I finished and just sat in the sofa in the living room area of the bus waiting for Randy to come in and yell at me. I picked my phone out of my pocket and decided to call Aj.

  Italics=Y/n    Bold=Aj

You ok Y/n?
I just embarrassed myself in a restaurant full of  rich people and on top of that Randy was there with me.
What happened?
So there was this waitress who was just touching and getting flirty with Randy and I started to get pissed off. So we asked for wine and it took her like 7 minutes to get it but when she came back she had cleavage. So I just snapped at her and said to put away her plastic boobs and to get her dirty hands away from 'my man'.
Oh, that sounded fun.
That's not all. We were in the car on the way back to the bus and once we got here I went to get out of the car but he locked the door and said we were going to have a talk when the guy came to pick up our rental. At first I didn't answer but he grabbed my arm, made me look at him and reply. He's pissed off but I don't blame him. So I'm just waiting to get yelled at.
I would have done the same thing. And I wouldn't worry to much about Randy. He might just tell you that you shouldn't have done that but I don't think he'll yell at you. I mean you guys have been hanging out for what, like almost a week now? You guys seem close.
Yeah, I don't know. He also asked what superstar caused me to go into professional wrestling. So, I'm screwed.
Ok, just tell him that I made you do it.
I told him it was a guy wrestler.
Ok now that was a stupid move.

   The door opened and shut and Randy stood in front of me. "Get off the phone now." He mouthed.

Um Aj, I got to go but I'll call you later, night.
Goodnight and good luck.

   I hung up the phone and slipped it into my pocket. "What was that all about Y/n?!" Randy screamed. "I was-" "She was doing her job! And you got all jealous over nothing!" He interrupted. "She was flirting! She was gone for 7 minutes perking her boobs out her blouse just to try and seduce you but you were blinded by that massive ego of yours to realize!" I got up into his face.
"I was blinded by my ego?! From my point of view it looked like you were getting all bothered by that waitress!" He took a step forward. "I wasn't even paying attention to her! I was focused on getting to know you!" I just rolled my eyes and turned to walk away before his hands wrapped around my shoulders and pinned me up against the kitchen's little counter.
"I don't know why your so skeptical about this, I was focused on you, the gorgeous woman I brought with me. Not some slutty waitress looking for a one-night-stand!" He gritted between his teeth. He was burning holes in my eyes. We stood there for a minute without saying anything.
All of a sudden Randy's expression changed from angry to blank. I couldn't read him. "R-Randy?" He grabbed both of my hands and put them on ether side of the counter and placed his hands on top of mine so I couldn't move them. He leaned in close to me ear and whispered, "Do I scare you, Y/n?" I swallowed hard. "Do I make you nervous?" He said breathing hot air on my neck, which caused my to jump.
I was extremely nervous. I didn't know what to do. "Do you trust me?" He finally said, looking me in the eyes. I nodded. "Good. Now get some rest, we have a long ride tomorrow."  He stepped away from the counter.
   "Goodnight." He said as he sat on the couch and pulled his phone out of his pocket. I was so confused but decided not to ask any questions. I walked into the bedroom, and laid down in bed. He's being a tease. I'm so confused. What just happened?

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