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It was chilly outside, and the cold breeze that kept coming made Hoseok regret not bringing a jacket. He figured though, that it was worth it because the only reason why he was out here in the first place was to meet up with his Ex-boyfriend. He knows that seemed weird. Why all of a sudden meet up with someone you used to date? 

Hoseok had gotten a message earlier from the said Ex that he wanted to meet up with him to sort things out. That sounded great to Hoseok. He had felt extremely guilty for breaking up with the boy and it was all because he had fallen in love with a girl. She was beautiful, honestly.

The others had been jealous, despite hating her right after, to find out that such a heavenly girl like her had taken a liking to Hoseok.

Hoseok wasn't bad looking himself, though. His thick locks that were dyed a beautiful dark orange, his toned body, big eyes carrying those beautiful orbs of dark brown, blinding smile. And hey, he had a nice ass too.

Hoseok wondered for a second how his Ex must've felt when he realized that Hoseok had no longer seemed to have interest in him. He started to feel guilty once more and sighed to himself.

Pulling out his phone, he tapped on a game and started playing it to kill some time. It had not been even 3 minuets before he was interrupted by the sound of his name being called.

He looked up happily but immediately flattened when he saw the image of his younger friend and his bestfriend walking over to him.

"What's up dude?" His bestfriend, Namjoon said. He couldn't say he was annoyed because, well, he wasn't. He was getting tired of waiting anyway.

"What are you guys doing here?" Hoseok says. The younger of the both of them, Taehyung, started energetically explaining.

"Well, you see, me and joonie were out for something to eat ya know? And then as we start to head back to the dorm, we saw you here and decided to say hi" Hoseok ruffles the tall kid's bright red hair and laughs.

Taehyung was usually energetic. You didn't really see him very quiet or serious unless the situation called for it. There was something deeper about Taehyung though that made people wonder if he had something hidden inside of him. Like a warrior in disguise.

Speaking of the dorm, he realized that he hadn't said anything to others about where he was going. Good thing Namjoon and Taehyung spotted him or Seokjin would lose his shit.

The male shared a dorm with 5 other boys. Namjoon, Taehyung, Yoongi, Seokjin, Jungkook and of course himself. They had all been close friends since forever and decided to find a nice place to settle in and split the pay.

Whenever they're away unexpectedly, they tell each other. Even if it's just a small trip to get food, they let at least one of the others know. It's only because Seokjin was like a paranoid mom, always worried something might happen.

He got like this because of his mother. One day he mother disappeared. He never knew where she had gone but when he talked to the police they told him the last time anyone saw her was in a shopping center, probably to get food. So why hadn't she come back?

"Hey do me a favor and tell the others I'll be gone for a while, I'm meeting someone and I'd like a little time to catch up with them." the orange haired male said.

Namjoon looked at his bestfriend with a confused look. "And who are you meeting exactly?" Namjoon asked, running a hand through his black hair.

"That would be me" they all turned to where the voice had come from. There standing with a loose sweater and ripped jeans on was a short male who's eyes turned into eye smiles of their own as he grinned gently at them.

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