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Jimin was already half way up the steps to the top floor. He needed to see if the kid was still there.

He runs up the slightly burning steps and heads down to the room where the kid should have been located. He comes across the door that is now collapsed and raging with fire.

"Oh no" Jimin whispers realizing that one of the others had taken the kid.

The child was his younger brother. He was in grade school and still needed to be cared for. Jimin had ran into him one day and immediately questioned why he wasn't home with their parents.

He found out the kid had ran away from home and got lost, so Jimin decided to care for him until his parents came in from Busan.

Though, with Jimin kidnapping Hoseok and all, he knew it would cause problems if his brother were to find out and get involved, so he set a trap that would blast any intruders away.

Unfortunately the trap seemed to backfire and now the whole house was starting to catch on fire.

Jimin runs back down the steps and decides its time to get out of the burning building before it's too late.

As he reaches the second floor, the step under him caves in and suddenly Jimin finds himself falling through the step and down to the first floor.


The impact hits him like bricks. He couldn't move for a few minutes, and he was sure he probably sprained his ankle. He was honestly lucky that's all he got from a fall like that.

"Ugh" Jimin mumbles.

Slowly getting up, he brushes some rubble off him and then continues on with an obvious limp in his step.

Jimin spots something ahead of him, or someone. Who was that? Did one of the other guys get stuck in here?

He walks up to the figure only to discover that it was Jin, leaning on the wall and breathing heavily. Fighting the urge to immediately make sure he's okay, Jimin stares at him before speaking.

"What are you still doing here?" He asks. Jin jumps up, startled. "Why should I tell you?" The older man argues. Jimin shrugs and slowly starts to walk past him. "If you don't get out now, you'll die" Jimin says.

Jin sighs and pushes off the wall. "I know..but I won't leave until I find Taehyung." Jimin stops in his tracks and looks back at Jin with wide eyes.

Taehyung was still in the basement!

If he doesn't die from bleeding out and the wounds, he surely will because of the flames.

Wait. Why should Jimin care? He had been so set on killing these guys after Hoseok escaped but.. why was he suddenly worried now?

Jin looks at the younger male with confusion. "What is it?" He asks. Jimin frowns and looks at the ground. He doesn't have to say anything, he can just leave and allow these two to die.

Even if he did say something, Jin wouldn't be able to carry out Taehyung by himself, especially not with the flames surrounding them.

'This isn't my problem..' Jimin thinks. Why should he care? He wasn't even close to Jin, and his Ex-Bestfriend.

"Taehyung's in the basement. Go down the hall and make a left. Better hurry" Jimin informs. Jin stares at him for a second before nodding and running off down the hall.

Jimin notices that his back looks burned, and wonders if the older had been caught in the fire while trying to look for Taehyung.


You're mine! Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora