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"Are they okay?"

Namjoon shoots up in his chair when he spots the doctor, automatically questioning him.

"Well.. Kim Seokjin is alright, only a few minor burns on his body and strain in his arm, however he should recover fully in a few weeks" The doctor looks away before continuing.

"Min Yoongi had a harsh fight with his life. We used cardioversion over and over before his heart started beating regularly again. We had to pull the bullets out of his stomach but he should be able to recover"

Hoseok breathes a sigh of relief and sits back in his seat. "So when will he be able to leave?" He asks with anticipation.

The doctor nods before answering "He should be able to leave within a few weeks, however he must keep coming back for check ups and medication and we would like him to see a therapist until the end of next month"

"A therapist? What does he need a therapist for?" Hoseok asks. The doctor offers a smile and looks down at his clipboard.

"He's had trauma and depression in the past, we just want to make sure any events that happened didn't affect his mental health" The doctor explains.

Hoseok nods slowly. He never knew about Yoongi's past, in fact, there was a lot of things Hoseok didn't know about Yoongi because he had always been worrying about his own relationships.

He felt guilty, knowing that his close friend had suffered and he wasn't even aware of it even though it was happening right in front of his eyes.

"Uh.. what about Taehyung?" Jungkook pipes up.

The doctors facial expression automatically drops. He takes a glance at the clipboard before looking up at Jungkook again.

"Ah yes.. Kim Taehyung.." the tone of the man's voice made Jungkook frown. It sounded serious, and he wasn't sure if he was ready for the news.

"He's still fighting for his life. The damage he took on was almost ridiculous, it's a wonder how he didn't collapse before" Namjoon tilts his head at the doctor but waits for him to continue.

"When or if he does wake up, he will need to undergo physical therapy for his legs. They had been crushed under the rubble and had to be treated immediately. He has to get used to walking regularly again. As for his other injuries, they should heal in a few weeks" The doctor explains.

The doctor hesitates for a moment before opening his mouth again. "Are any of you familiar with anyone bearing the initials JM?" He asks.

Hoseok slowly nods. "Jimin.." The doctor sighs and continues. "It seems the initials of that person was carved into Taehyung's stomach. We can't do anything about it unless Taehyung would like to go through some surgery to get it covered in the future"

Jungkook processes the words and frowns. "He..marked Taehyung?" Jungkook whispers with anger building up.

Namjoon pats his thigh to calm him down. "It's okay Jungkook, We're just as angry as you but for now let's just continue hoping for Taehyung's life to be saved, I think that's more important right now" He says.

The three waited for the next few hours restlessly. At one point, Hoseok had to be held back from running to check on Yoongi.

Finally, Namjoon spots a figure making their way over to them. "Jin!" Namjoon practically screams and jumps up to go hug the man. The doctor behind Jin, stops him.

"I recommend not being too rough on him. The reason he was in there for so long was because his back and legs were burned, so he couldn't get proper rest" The doctor explains.

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