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Eva's pov

Just like usual, Im alone with my book but tbh why would I bother socializing? Books are way better friends anyway. They don't hate or talk about you in the back. They can't leave you.

" Hey Eva "

who was that? Is someone actually walking to me? WAIT AM I CRAZY. I CAN HEAR VOICES.

I glanced up to see who was it, but I quickly looked back at my book.

Oh crap its worse. That Daniel boy just came up to me. But it'll be rude not to answer right?

" Hey? " I blurted. I was scared. Obviously.

My thoughts gone wild thinking about what will happen between me and him.
Don't get involved with him. Don't fall for him. You're useless remember? like what he said. Oh god, I need to try to control myself.

"... sometime, like a date? "

Wait. I didn't catch the whole sentence but did he just ask me out? Oh no. Its going to happen again.

" No. " I whispered but loud enough for him to hear.

" W-w-what? "

His voice. Its shaking. Now I feel bad.

" No. Im sorry Daniel, You're cool and really nice but I don't like you. You're too popular  "

" O-okay, its alright. bye. " his voice broke at the end of the sentence.

Sorry Daniel. Its just I dont want it to happen again. It hurts too bad and I can't have that feeling again, its too much to handle.

I saw Daniel ran out of the room and spotted some of his friends catching up at him, they must've been spying. I caught one of them glaring at me, probably because I rejected his friend. I think his name was Jack. Im not sure.

I got up and passed him, finding a nice place to calm myself down. Somehow my legs took me to the school park that happens to be my favorite place.

What did I just do? I broke a heart who could've been my friend. Or well, boyfriend but the point is, I could've have someone to talk to. Ugh just forget it. This is better. I don't have to feel it again.

*..yeah you just want attention..*

I quickly picked it up, tbh even though Im a 'nerd' I do have a taste of music, cause come on, music is international.

" Hello? "


CLIFFHANGERRR HAHAH. Who is that on the phone?? her mom? dad? uncle? BOYFRIEND? oops I'll just leave you hanging and wondering who is that. Anywayss
so here is Eva's pov, I guess I didn't do muh revealing huh? atleast y'all know that there's something in the past making her like that. Guess I'll reveal it sometime.

P.S. Sorry its such a short chapter ;)

Crown || Daniel SeaveyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon