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Eva's pov

" hello? " I greeted whoever it was on the other side of this phone.

" Eva? " It was my dad.

" Y-yes? what's up dad?"

" Can you go home? Luke wants to meet you. " I immediately froze after hearing his name. My ex boyfriend. But how? Didn't he moved to Toronto? I don't get it. Why is he back? Is he going to do it again?

" Can you tell him to wait? I still have 2 hours of math. I'll be right there after school. " I said trying to control my emotions, it was hard though.

" Alright, sweetie. Good luck on your math class. "

" Thanks dad."

I hung up and went to my math class. It was a short class since I spent the time mostly worrying what will happen at home.

When it was finished I was scared. I didn't want to meet him, yet. I decided to 'pretend' I got locked in the library while reading or studying I guess.

Slowly the students in the library got out and It was just me and a few kids. I hid in the corner so nobody could spot me and it worked. The library was locked and again,

I was left alone in the darkness.

Daniel's pov

It was a normal day, I woke up like usual. I took a shower and dressed in a checkered shirt but not unbuttoned. I actually buttoned it.

I reached to my shelf and took out my glasses. I never really used them because I thought I looked like a nerd while using them but I finally had enough nerves to put them on.

 I never really used them because I thought I looked like a nerd while using them but I finally had enough nerves to put them on

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I'm starting to change.

" Good morning Anna! " I greeted my sister. She looked at me with a suprised look.

" What did you do to yourself Daniel? YOU LOOK RIDICULOUS HAHAH" after she said that she fell from her chair and rolled on the floor dying of laughter.

I can't help but blush, I looked up on the mirror and yes, I did look ridiculous. So I decided to make my hair, some kind of bad boy style.

Thats better.

After my short breakfast session I went to school.

" I really hope she'll notice my change " I mumbled while walking in the school.

While walking to my class I felt a bunch of girls were talking about me. I caught one of their conversations ;

" What happened to Daniel?! "

" I don't know but I have a bad feeling that he's gonna stay like that "

accurate. I'm staying like this until I can get her attention

" Daniel! Wait up bro! " I stopped a second and looked back, it was Corbyn.

" Hey Corbs! " I greeted with a wide smile.

" Yo, you weren't joking about your change huh? "

I shaked my head " I'm serious. I like her "

" Corbyn! Daniel! "

we both stopped and turned to see Jack, Zach, and Jonah rushing towards us.

They stopped running, even though they were struggling but they managed to let out some words.

" The whole school is talking about you Daniel. your looks. " Jonah said with a smirk.

" WOAH DUDE. It was cra-zy. All of the girls asked us because we were friends with you." Zach said, still trying to catch his breath.

" I don't get why they didn't just ask Daniel in person " Corbyn shrugged.

" I don't care tbh. Hey btw I'll go to the library okay? I need to some research about my project at home. I'll catchh up with you guys later " I said in a rushed tone.

" Sure! See ya soon! " They all harmonized.

I focused on where I'm going now. Library. As fast as possible.

It took me 2 minutes to walk up to the library. I went in and was shocked to see a girl there. It was no ordinary girl. It was Eva.

Oh gosh I'm not ready for this.

" Huahm, ugh that was not a good sleep at all. " Eva grumbled, she was still half conscious.

I tried to talk to her but I ended up just mouthing them. The words were stuck in my mouth.

" D-d-did you sleep here all night? " finally. I managed to work out a sentence.

" Oh? hey you look different. and yes I did. I got locked in apparently " she shrugged, uncomfortable.

" Yeah I changed. Like you said, Im too popular. I think it would be nice to have a little change. " I grinned widely.

" OH YEAH! a bit? thats a huge change Seavey. " she laughed.

she laughed! I made her laugh!

" Is that a good thing or bad? " I asked immediately, worried that I took it too serious.

" It's good! it's just, I don't believe you changed for me. " she said while trying to stop from laughing.

" Well duh, I like you " I admitted.

" Hahah. Thanks. Just telling, that crush won't last long, you will forget me and move on " her expression changed, she looks upset.

" Now excuse me. I want to go home first. " rudely, she passed me and went through the exit.

what just happened? a second ago she was laughing and now she's upset with me? again? wow girls are unpredictable.

I continued to search the library and found what I need. I wrote a short summary in my notebook and headed back to class.

lol that was weird. huge moodswing. btw you curioused? who is Luke? whats up with him and moving to Toronto? How did their relationship end? what? what? what? I don't know either so just continue reading this book okay?

don't forget to vote and comment down below! it means a lot to me if you do it.

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