08. | corbs

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after the gym class..

daniel's pov

" Eva! " I called, apparently she didn't hear me cause she just continued walking.

Why can't you just talk to her? Come on Daniel ask her out or maybe just ask her to hang out with you this weekends as friends maybe?

I snapped out of my deeps thoughts when my teacher, Mr.Erik yelled at me.

" Hey! Seavey! Get out of the sports area, class has been dismissed 5 minutes ago. We need to clean this place for next week's classmeet "

" Okay sorry Mr.Erik.. " I replied.

I quickly went out and tried to find Corbyn, he is the guy I need to talk about these things. I quickly ran to his class, I found Corbyn sitting sleepily while trying to do his assignment. I stepped inside and Corbyn glanced over to see me, almost immediately he grinned.

" Wassup Daniel! Im just doing my assignment just wait a sec I'll finish it and we'll go to find the others " he exclaimed.

" No no! I want to talk to you. " I whispered.

" What? Is it about Eva again? " he guessed which was pretty much spot on.

" uhmm yeahineedadvicetoaskevaout " I mumbled my words in the quickest but most silent tone and I doubt Corbyn could even heard one word from that.

" what? you're toilet is plugged? what the hell man " Corbyn chuckled.

" NO!! I.. I need advice to ask Eva out "
I whispered before blushing uncontrollably.

" Aww dude your face looks like a tomato " he teased while pinching my cheeks in amusement.

" Im serious! I at least want to go out with her as friends " I blushed again.

" Pfffffft do u always get your face that red when you think of her? Im sorry dude but you look adorable " Corbyn laughed.


" I've been trying to hide it all day " I stated while pressing my face towards the table in embarrassment.

" Its easy dude, just say hey Eva! I got some tickets to the amusement park, we should go together or maybe to the movies or something "

" And if she asks why didn't you ask us, your bros to go you just say that you only have two tickets and you can't choose between the four of us. K? Easy right? " He continued.

" Okay, I'll ask her to go to the amusement park then. " I smiled sheepishly.

" Go ahead lover boy " he chuckled, laughing at his own joke.

" See you later bean "

" See you later too ocean eyes "

I steadily walked out of Corbyn's classroom, feeling more confident as ever. Im going to ask her out.

Ahahahah I told you something was going to happen! Dorbyn👏🏻😂 Okay but seriously, next chapter is gonna be longer and P.S. why dont we just released another song! hooked and its amazing + the music video was also awesome💓

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