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"Minghao?" There stood Junhui. "Oh, Junhui." Minghao wiped his tears away so the other wouldn't see them. "Why aren't you at school?" The older asked as he sat next to him."You sound like my mother." Hao silently chuckled. "What's wrong?" Junhui asked what seemed like a hundred times. Until Minghao cracked, on Junhui's shoulder that is.

He poured his heart out when talking to Junhui, even though Minghao just met him this morning, he felt safe and comfortable around him. Definitely not because of how hot he was.

"I know exactly how you feel." He chuckled. Minghao picked his head up off Junhui's shoulder and looked at him. "I know right, how could someone this good looking be single." He wiggled his eyebrow making Minghao laugh

"I guess your attractive.." Minghao rolled his eyes, "Oh really?" Junhui smirked. "Why are you here?" Minghao quickly changed the subject

"I have nothing else to do except for when I have to pick you up so.." Junhui sighed. "You don't do anything else?" Minghao didn't believe him "Absolutely nothing." He smiled "okay.....maybe I spend my time writing poems." Junhui scratched his neck "Oh really! about what?"

"I'm joking, I just hang around my apartment all day reading, stomping loud to annoy the assholes below me, or I sleep to be honest." Jun laughed "That sounds amazing" Minghao sighed.

"What are you taking about! You're crazy rich, I bet you have an amazing house and all you've ever wanted!" Junhui stood up "This is my everyday, I stay by myself waiting for something to entertain me. I once stared at a piece of paper for an hour hoping I could move it with my mind because I watched a show about telekinesis!" He laughed

Minghao crossed his arms. "Really? All I've ever wanted?" He furrowed his brows "I just told you how desperate I am for love. I definitely don't have everything I've ever wanted, I would take love over riches any day."

Junhui smiled. "What?" Minghao turned to him, "Nothing." Junhui shrugged. He turned towards Minghao and stared at him for a good five seconds, causing Minghao's cheeks to turn red. "What the hell are you staring at?" Minghao looked at his fingers, trying to hide his embarrassment.

"Can I see you phone?" Junhui smiled, "ummm sure?" Minghao reached in his backpack, unzipped the small zipper and pulled out his phone and handed it to Junhui.

Junhui typed in something and handed it back, "Who said I wanted your number?" Minghao tilted his head, "You did when you told me how desperate for love you are." Junhui smiled softly at the boy "I messaged you my address....come by if you ever need anything, or your looking for some fun."

Minghao raised and eyebrow. "Looking for some fun? Excuse me?" Minghao laughed. "You know what I meant." Junhui rolled his eyes, the other shook his head. "Like if, I don't know. Just if you wanna hang out, and play video games I don't know." He laughed

"Oh look at the time, I gotta go." Junhui patted Minghao's upper thigh, "See you tomorrow" He smiled, he waved to Minghao and left.

Minghao watched his figure disappear into the busy streets and smiled to himself.

Why was junhui making him feel this way?

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