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Minghao looked at the new number in his phone and a smile formed across his face. No one has ever given him their number, he still doesn't have Wonwoo or Mingyu's number, and they're his only friends.

Minghao left the park and slowly walked home. He had no interest in going back to school, his gloomy
mood turned around and he didn't want school work to change that. His mom and dad both think he's at school right now so it looks like he will have to sneak in his house.

After what felt like forever, Minghao finally made it home. He entered the password next to the door and quietly walked in, tiptoeing up the glass stairs to his room.

He threw his bag off his shoulder and on to the ground, stripped into his boxers and threw himself onto his bed and snuggled under the many pink blankets.

What? It's a cute color.

After a few hours of watching YouTube videos, Minghao started thinking of all the possible reasons he's single.

"One, Your ears are to pointy. Two, You're not funny, nor attractive. Basically a walking twig that could be named boring rich bitch." He sighed, "Three, you're useless and not worth anyone's time. Four, not talented, perfect, or amazing. You're a loser." His eyes watered at the last three words. "That's just four out of the seven hundred reasons why no one will ever love you." Now he was crying.

He sat up and brought his knees to his face and let the tears spill out, Crying is all he ever does lately.

"I actually think you're quite attractive." Minghao shot his head up and saw Junhui standing in the doorway. "What are you doing here?!" Minghao quickly wiped his tears, "Well  I was waiting to pick you up, but your weren't at school. So, I texted your mother and said she noticed your shoes by the door." He walked closer, "So I came over to see what was wrong. From what I've heard, you'd never skip school." He sat on the edge of Minghao's king sized bed.

"I don't know- I just...wanted to come home." Hao lied with visibly red eyes and tear stained cheeks. "Come on Minghao. No one should ever feel that way about themselves like that...I wanna talk about
It, I don't want to see you cry anymore." Junhui smiled.

Come to think of it, no one has ever offered or asked to talk about Minghao's feelings. Okay, that's not true. They've asked but never wanted to know the truth behind the "I'm fine"'s and "I'm just tired". He learned over time to put his sadness and insecurities in a bottle, and hope they would be lost in the raging sea of his broken heart.

"O-okay.." Minghao looked at his hands. He felt Junhui sit next to him, not leaving any space between them.

"Why do you hate yourself so much?"

"You already heard why...didn't you?" Minghao quietly said, after a few seconds of silence he spoke with a sad voice. "I'm just here on earth, I don't have anything good about me. I'm not funny, witty, smart,  or anything. My physical being is also bad, I'm really thin and I don't have any muscles. I hate, hate, hate, hate, the way I look. So much." He rubbed his eyes. "I have nothing I'm good at either, I can't sing, dance or do anything. I'm boring and a waste of space."

"I don't understand you.." Junhui rolled his eyes, "What the hell do you mean, I thought you were gonna listen to my problems. Not criticize them!" Minghao's sadness was replaced with anger. "Woah- wait. I didn't mean like that! What I meant was..." Junhui grabbed Minghao's hand and intertwined them

"I don't understand where all this self hate is coming from. Well, I do understand that we're our worst critics, but  I don't understand why you believe those things about yourself." Minghao tilted his head at him like a lost puppy, "W-what do you mean?".

"You say you're not attractive but you are. You're really pretty actually, You're eyes are sharp, you have a cute but handsome face." Junhui smiled looking into the others eyes, Making Minghao's cheeks red . "You have a nice body, you're tall and lean...another thing, not all men need to be buff and have huge muscles."

Minghao was in awe, in absolute shock. Was Junhui telling the truth? This was all new to him, no one has ever talked to him or about him in that way ever, He was beyond embarrassed.

"I don't believe you..." Minghao's smile dropped, "We just met today, You don't even know me."

Minghao was right. Junhui went from a stranger, to knowing his deepest secrets. Now Junhui's sitting next to him in his bed, while he's only in his boxers.

Oh, that's right.

After the sudden realization that he's half naked next to this stranger, with there hands intertwined and sweaty, he quickly let go of Junhui's hand and sunk into his blankets, pulling them up to his neck to cover his bare chest.

Junhui's smile slowly faded as he got off of Minghao's bed. "I'll be here to pick you up at seven every morning, Except the weekends." He moved to the door, just as he was about to leave he turned around with a smirk on his face. "Oh, and by the way, you're pointy ears are really cute....So are those pink boxers" he winked, Junhui walked out of the room, closing the door behind him, leaving a red faced Minghao.

Minghao startled to nervously nibble on his fuzzy blankets to hopefully make his red cheeks go away. Then Minghao remembered something, he pushed all of his blankets off of him and fell onto the floor, landing on yet another pink (rug) object in his room and pulled his phone out his backpack.


<I forgot, I'm not gonna be at school tomorrow. so you don't need to pick me up.

<I was starting to think you lost my number :))

<And why not?

<I usually don't go on Fridays soooooo yeah.

<That's strange.. but okay

<does that mean you're free tomorrow? ;))))


<wanna chill and watch Netflix at my place?

minghao's eye widened.

<We don't even know each other that well!


<Are u saying if we knew each other better then....... we could??

<ehehehehehee.... gotta go bye

<No wait, please!!


What is Minghao getting himself into.

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