Everything I Want

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You all know the story of Cinderella, this is my version with a modern twist





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Mop the floor, scrub the window sill, wash the clothes, and no you may NOT use the car. Man she's a bitch of all the people to get stuck with I end up living with the wicked witch of the west-oops I mean my aunt Candy and her two daughters Lindsey and Dina (better known as dumb and dumber). Ever since my dad decided he couldn't deal with a trouble maker daughter(I'm at that stage of my life as a young shewolf where its easier to rebel than to agree and be reasonable I mean seriously Alpha's daughter or not i'm tired of being controlled.) I've been living here in hell, Military school sounds like an excellent idea right about now. "Why did I ever turn that offer down!?" "Nadia if I have to tell you again to stop screaming, so help you god I'll chop your toes off." "Oh nice one." High fiving eachother kicking my bucket of mop water, grinding my teeth wiping the water from my eyes I say,"Listen you little pricks you may think that since I live in your house that gives you some kind of power over me but let me tell you something, say another word to me and I'll tell candy how you guys light up at night and invite the boys down the street in, who knows what you guys do in there."

"You wouldn't dare." Dina says a threatening tone to her voice pointing an accusing finger towards me.

"Oh but I would."

"No you you won't. "

"I will."

"Nuh uh." Lindsey shouts, butting in to defend her sister.

"Uh huh! You know what shut up the both of you I'm done, this is getting us no where so step aside and let me finish." "That's what you better do, when we get back from the party it better be spotless in here." Like the blind leading the blind they march out dressed in their 'finest' attire. "Tramps." I mutter shaking my head going back to cleaning, I could really use a hand..or an escape from this place and that's exactly what I have. Looking through the window I watch their car pull off rushing as fast as I can to gather my bag full of clothes and a bus pass, I've had enough of these people even if it has been 6months, I can't take it anymore they don't rule me I rule me.

Alone at the busstop clutching my belongings to me I wonder aimlessly for the nearest hotel. Cutting through an alleyway a man grabs me behind a dumpster yanking my bag out of my hand wrapping his hands around my throat I thrash and gasp for air I can't breathe in. "A run away huh? Do you know what happens to little girls like you sweetheart?" Yea they get raped, chopped up and thrown in dumpsters. Slamming me against the stonewall still firmly gripping my neck dark spots cloud my vision, I know I might not live through this I repeat to myself 'its better this way.' Even though deep inside I know its not, "I bet you wish you were back home huh?" He says menacingly loosening the grip on my neck to feel me up, I smack his hand away only for it to strike me knocking me to the ground. "I wasn't going to kill you at first your too pretty for that, somebody could get alot of money off of you but screw that now." Crawling away sucking in as much air as my lungs will permit I scream at the top of my lungs "PLEASE SOMEBODY HELP ME!" Dragging me by my ankle back towards him he hits me again and again blood spewing from my mouth misting in the air. My lips and throat hurt but I'm alive and I refuse to go out like this, "HELP HE'S GOING TO KILL ME!" "I SAID SHUT UP!" It sounds like a firecracker went off by my head, frantically checking myself for gun wounds my eyes widen when I gaze up at the man who's face has exploded from the skull. It looks like lasagna, that thought alone sends me into a fit of laughter making me question my own sanity.

"Darlin' are you alright?" Coming into view is the angel who saved me, I'm too terrified to thank him so I haul ass in the opposite direction peeking behind me to make sure he doesn't follow. "Wait!" He yells jogging after me waving his hand. "Can I atleast know your name!?" "No go away!" I yell back rounding the corner into the busy city sidewalk. "I have to get the hell out of here."


Is it wrong to kill a man trying to harm an innocent runaway...probably, do I care? Not in the least. Had I've gotten to her any later that disgusting excuse for a man would've killed her. She's gorgeous, even with blood staining her clothes and swollen face, her beautiful grey eyes terrified and confused she laughs hysterically making me uneasy but wanting her at the same time*come on man not at a time like this* the voice of reason better known as my beta says, during this whole ordeal I've been sending mental pictures to him. "Darlin' you alright?" Wincing away from me she fixes her mouth to speak but the words never surface. Like a bat out of hell she makes a run for it to get away from me as fast as she can. "WAIT!" I yell jogging for her, yea that's not threatening at all chasing her down. Slowing to a walk I shout to her, "Can I atleast know your name!?" "No go away!" Well that's a start to a conversation, stumbling across what I'm geussing is her bag, I search for some form of identity"Bingo." In the front pocket of the bag is her wallet containing her student ID but nothing else "Smart girl." The fact her wallet is pretty much empty must mean she anticipated being robbed or she's just an ass backwards chick. Searching for her other belongings I trip over her pale blue converse, picking it up just in case she needs it.

"Nadia Lopez huh..we'll meet again." Gazing at the ID grinning, I have a feeling me and this girl are going to get along great, how far is she going to get in my territory alone?

Everything I Want (Book 1 in Twisted Fairytales Series)Where stories live. Discover now