1: The Incident

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I collapsed. "I hear them again." I groaned.

"Who? Townspeople or CLUs?" She shuddered at that last part. To be honest, Ambur, our other two friends and I are really the only people in our town who use the name. Like Harry Potter and "Voldemort" in J. K. Rowling's series.

"Well, I hear both." I nervously admitted.

"Oh my gosh, we have to get out of here, then." She pulled me up to my feet and we ran to the Safehouse. Other townspeople were there too.

All of a sudden, someone banged on the door. Three times. Then there was one more bang that swung the doors open. We waited in terror for the dust to clear.

"Christ; it's you guys!!" I let out my breath and rolled my eyes. I was relieved. "You scared the life out of me!!" I scampered over and hugged them both really tightly.

"Well, don't squeeze the life out of us without giving us the chance to apologize!" I released them, remembering that we were in public and that the CLUs were still nearby.

I gasped. "Rien, Aaron, come on! And close the door!"

"We're coming!"

I waved them over, and they returned. Ambur and them took turns hugging briefly (obviously not as long as I hugged them) and then we all huddled back under the stairwell room.

Suddenly, our watchmen, Bryan burst through the doors, panting.

"They're gone, everyone!"

Everyone's eyes lit up with relief, but just slid back into darkness and worrying, knowing that they would come back. And soon.

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