Chapter 2

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I woke up to some country song playing on the radio. I reached over and slammed the alarm clock off. I wanted to go back to sleep, but then I realized today was the day I had to show Sebastian Ginn, the new guy, around school. I sprang out of bed, and dove into my closet to see what I was going to wear. I finally picked out magenta skinny jeans, my Warped Tour shirt, my Converse, Sleeping with Sirens sweatshirt, and my Black Veil Brides necklace. I straightened my black and wavy, messed-up hair, so I could look presentable. I was worried about how I smelled, so I continuously rolled on deoderant, and sprayed myself with perfume.

I grabbed my bookbag, and walked downstairs. My mom was drinking coffee at the dining room table, and asked me, "Are you ready?" I replied with confidence, "More ready than I will ever be." My mom smiled. I surprisingly smiled back. I walked out the door and headed to school.

I walked by a house with a moving truck in the driveway. It was probably the new kid's family. Well, I said to myself, the new kid probably lives in my neighborhood. 

I got to school, put my stuff in my locker, and met up with Elizabeth and Sierra. 

"Hey! Ready?" Elizabeth asked me. I replied, "Sort of. I'm not sure if he'll-" Sierra interupted me in my sentence. "You'll be fine Vanessa. Trust me." The five minute bell rang. Elizabeth and I headed to World History, and Sierra went to Algebra 2. (She's in the advanced math class.)

I took a seat with my textbook, and my other supplies. Everybody in the class, except Mr. Turner, my World History teacher, looked at me because they knew I was going to show a new kid around school.


About thirty minutes into class, Principal Burdett said on the overcom, "Vanessa White, please report to the office immediately." I got up, looked at Elizabeth, who was giving me a thumbs-up, and left the class.

Oh no, I said to myself. What's the new guy going to think about me? Emo? Stupid? Ugly? I should've backed out. Too late now. Here goes nothing. I walked into Principal Burdett's office and sat down. It was only Principal Burdett and me in there. Sebastian apparently wasn't there yet. "Good morning Vanessa!" she said. "Sebastian should be here soon. I compared both of your schedules. You guys have almost all of your classes together." I nodded. Well, I said to myself, the guy's probably a lot like me. 

We sat there for about ten minutes talking about random stuff like, "Liking your sophomore year?" and stuff like that. A kid came in, a kid I haven't seen before. He looked like he was my age. "Vanessa," Principal Burdett said, "this is Sebastian, the person you're gonna show around school. Sebastian this is Vanessa-" I got lost looking at him. Jet black hair, with long, choppy bangs, and a little under his chin. He was a normal height for a fifteen year old. He was wearing a Black Veil Brides tee, black skinny jeans, and black Vans. This guy is gorgeous! I said to myself. My trance got broken with him saying, "Hey." Deep voice. Deep, but not too deep. I replied, "Hi." We were staring at each other which seemed like forever. Principal Burdett said, "Vanessa, you know the drill. Show him his locker, how block scheduling works, get him a gym uniform, and show him his classes. Not too hard, right?" I nodded showing her I was saying, "Right." She nodded back. She waved us out, telling us to go on ahead. We walked out of the office, and started walking down the hallway.

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