Chapter 17

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Mom and I get into the car and drive off. "So," Mom says, "did 'ya have fun?" I nod and say, "I surprisingly did." She continues, "What you did to Amanda was hilarious." I do a little bow and say, "Why, thank you!" This makes Mom laugh. I continue, "We did make up, though. We have a little plan in mind. At homecoming, she's going to 'make fun' of me to see if Sebastian will stand up for me or not. If he does, he's right for me. If not, he'll just turn me down in the future." Mom says with pride, "That's what I'm talking about! I'm just glad you two are getting along." I reply, "Same here."

We were about an our into the drive when Mom asks, "Do you wanna make a pit stop? We probably need some caffeine to hold us over." I nod and suggest, "Let's go to Starbucks. I've been needing a mocha."

We pull into the Starbucks parking lot and I look at the time: ten at night. Luckily this one was open 24-hours.

Mom and I walk in and walk to the counter. "Hello!" the woman who was probably in her twenties said. "You can order whenever you're ready." Mom says, "You can order first because I don't know what I want." I giggle a little and tell the woman at the counter, "I would like a medium caramel iced mocha." Mom asks sarcastically, "Jeez, why did 'ya have to order so fast?" The woman smiles and suggests, "My personal favorite is also the caramel mocha, hot or iced." Mom says, "Then I'll just try what she's having!" I giggle a little and the woman says, "That'll be twelve dollars and thirty cents." Mom asks me while getting out her wallet, "Vanessa, why did you have to choose Starbucks?" She gives her a twenty, and Mom says, "Keep the change." The woman smiles and says, "Thank you!"

She gives us our mochas and we leave. We get in the car and I say, "Try it. It's delicious." Mom replies, "As long as you try it with me."

I look at her and say, "Mom, I've tried it before. I'll take a drink with you, but I'm not trying it." 

She looks at me and says, "Whatever. It's just that I've never had Starbucks."

We take a drink, and Mom exclaims, "That was delicious! For now on, I'm going to Starbucks in the morning before work." I reply, "Not every morning, though. You'll be broke." She says, "Not every morning!" I giggle and continue to drink my mocha.


We drive along the interstate for a while, until Mom says out of nowhere, "Oh my gosh! I forgot to tell you that I'm taking you dress shopping tomorrow!" I reply, "One, that was out of nowhere, two, I already have a dress." Mom asks, "Which one? The one you wore last year to homecoming with Jackson?" I answer, "Maybe." Mom sighs and asks again, "Do you really want to wear the dress that you wore last year with your ex a year later with your almost new boyfriend?" I argue, "I don't want you to spend a lot of money on me!" She says, almost yells, "Vanessa, I already do! Think of the Starbucks!" This made me giggle a little. I finally said, "Fine, but we only buy stuff that I like. There's no need for shoes, I'm wearing my Converse. Jewelery, probably needed. I also have to try on that dress I wanted to wear to make sure it still fits." Mom nods and continues driving.


We finally get home, and I was ready to get to bed. It was midnight, and I still needed to take a shower. I decided to take one in the morning, so I went straight into my bedroom. I put on a t-shirt and pajama pants. I crawl into my covers on my bed and fall fast asleep.


Author's Note: Sorry this chapter sucks. I've been stuck in writer's block. It happens.

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