Chapter 5

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Why did he kiss me? I asked myself. Does he like me? Is he trying to lock me in his guy powers and make me his eternal slave? I opened the door to my house, and slammed it. My mom wasn't home from work yet, (Praise the Lord.) so she couldn't ask me tons of questions like, "How was it?" and, "Did you guys kiss?" I stormed up to my room and closed my door gently so the whole house doesn't shake. I pulled out my razor from my nightstand drawer, and started cutting my wrists. I started to get dizzy and feel faint. I fell to the ground as eveything went black.


 I woke up in a hospital bed, with a couple of nurses and a few doctors. "Where am I?" I asked. "Who are you people?" I was freaking out because I had no idea how I got there. "Vanessa," one of the doctors said, "your friend Sebastian was trying to call you and text you, but you wouldn't reply. Luckily your front door was unlocked. He found you and brought you here. Check your phone." They handed me my phone that, possibly, fell out of my pocket when I fainted. Here's what it said: Sebastian-5 missed calls

Sebastian: I'm so sorry I kissed you. It just slipped.

Sebastian: Hello?

Sebastian: Vanessa?

Sebastian: Vanessa, answer me.

Sebastian: Hellooooo??????

I felt bad after reading it. He really does care about me. "Do you want him to come in?" the other doctor asked. I nodded and said, "Sure." The nurse opened the door and said, "You can come in. She's awake." One of the doctors said, "We're going to leave you two alone." After he said that, they all walked out. Sebastian came in with red and puffy eyes. I could tell he was crying. He closed the door behind him. "Why?" he asked me with some sob in his voice. "Why did you try to kill yourself?" I shrugged with my shoulders.

"Why?" Sebastian asked. "Do you want to die?"

"Yes!" I yelled. "I want to die!"

"Why do you want to?!"

"Nobody loves me, and nobody wants me on this planet! They say I am a disgrace to this planet! Scratch that. My FAMILY says that I'm a disgrace to the planet! My aunt found out I cut, and told everybody! They hate me!"

Sebastian's voice raised.

"They might hate you, but I love you Vanessa! Even though we met yesterday, you mean everything to me! It breaks my heart to see you this way! Your friends don't want you to die, your family doesn't want you to die, and I don't want you to die!" he yelled.

"But I want to!" After I said that, I grabbed the ivy in my arm, and was about to pull it out until Sebastian grabbed my arm. "Don't die," Sebastian said starting to cry. "Please don't. I love you. I don't want you to die." After that, we both started to cry. He came over and hugged me. I hugged him back. If he didn't want me to die, I wasn't.

A doctor came in and said, "Vanessa, you can go home now." I nodded. I told Sebastian to leave the room so I can put my clothes on. 

After I put my clothes on, Sebastian checked me out of the hospital, and dropped me off at my house. I walked into my house, and my mom yelled, "VANESSA! WE HAVE SOME TALKING TO DO!"

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