Chapter 15

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After dinner, I went upstairs to take a shower. I went into Mom's old room, got in my luggage, and pulled out a pair of pajama pants and an oversized shirt. I walked down the hallway, and found a decent size bathroom with a massive shower.

I took off my clothes and stepped into the shower. I washed my body and hair, and just sat in there thinking about life. (Who doesn't?) Life as in Sebastian and school. I wouldn't consider Sebastian my boyfriend (yet). How will the people at school react? Will they make fun of me? Will Amanda turn on me? Forget everything.

I turned off the water, dried myself off, and got dressed. I checked my phone to see what time it was: nine at night. God, I was tired.

Just then, Sebastian texted me.

Sebastian: How is it?

Me: It's cool. Amanda has been ignoring me, but it's not a bad thing

Sebastian: Lol true

Me: I'm sooooo tired

Sebastian: I am too. I guess I'll go

Me: Ok I'll text you tomorrow on the way back

 Sebastian: K night

Me: Night

I plugged my phone into the charger, turned off the light, and crawled under the covers on the bed. I was so tired. I've had a long day. I closed my eyes, and I immediately fell asleep.


I woke up and checked my phone. It was ten in the morning. We were going back to Seattle after dinner. I was ready to leave. I was so homesick, even though it was only one night. To be honest, I was ready for school to start again. Homecoming was a week from tomorrow. I already know what I'm going to wear. It's the dress I wore in my dream, except I hope nothing bad happens. I didn't want to buy a new dress, and don't call me weird. Last year that dress was too big for me, and it fits this year.

I walked downstairs in my pajamas because it was too early to dress. Thankfully, no one was up. (Yay!) I walk into the kitchen and helped myself to coffee. "Sure, you can help yourself to coffee," a voice said which made me jump. I turned around and saw Damien holding a steaming coffee mug with a black shirt and Batman pajama pants on. I said in a jump-scare voice, "What the heck! Thanks for giving me a heart attack, Damien!" Damien giggled and sarcasticly said, "No problem!" I poured French vanilla flavored creamer and a couple spoonfuls of sugar into my coffee and stirred it. I didn't want to stand up straight, so I just leaned against the counter like Damien. "I haven't seen you in so long," he said. "I didn't even recognize who you were." I nodded and said, "Yeah. I saw the pictures Grandma hung up of you and me together. I didn't know who were, considering the fact it's been a long time."

"So," he started, "Grandma told me a little about you. Who's the guy?"

I said a little scared, "He is none of your business, and I swear, if you're trying to hit on me, it won't work because I'm your cousin and that's incest."

He giggled. "Don't worry. I'm taken."

I let out a breath of relief and said, "Thank God!"

"So, his name is Sebastian?"


"Is he cute?"


"I'm just wondering."


I showed him the picture I showed Grandma.

"He is pretty cute! Are you two together?"

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