Chapter 8

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I wake up to my normal alarm radio, and do my morning routine. I put on my Falling in Reverse shirt and leather Black Veil Brides "Rebels" jacket. I walk downstairs and out the door. I walked past Sebastian's house, and he walks out his door. "Hey!" he yells. "Wait up!" I stop and he comes up to me and we start walking to school. It was quiet for a couple minutes, then Sebastian asked, "You know everyone hates us, right?" I nodded and said, "Sierra was devastated badly." Sebastian looked worried at me and asked me, "Why?" I told him that she was trying to overdose herself, but Elizabeth and I stopped her and everything's happy now. He nodded and said, "That's good. Hopefully she'll be at school." After he said it, I got a text from Sierra.

Sierra: Can't come to school today. I'm sick :((((((

Me: It's from those pills!

Sierra: Well...I'll see you later

Me: Kk

"Who was that?" Sebastian asked. I replied, "Sierra. She said she's not coming to school. She's sick apparently." He nodded. I hope it was just a stomach ache.

We make it to school, and Elizabeth comes up to us and asks, "Did you get the text from Sierra?" I nodded and said, "Yeah. I hope it's just a stomach ache." Elizabeth replied, "Same here. Let's get to class."


After school, and I texted Sierra.

Me: Feeling better????

No reply. I waited for twenty minutes, then I got a text back.

Sierra: Yeah. :) I'm sorry for trying to kill myself.

Me: No more

Sierra: Believe me, it won't happen again

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