2] shattering hearts

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The delicate morning sun had begun to rise over Queens, its rays casting out over the rooftops and beaming through the gaps in household curtains.
Without warning, Noah's alarm began to blare, the rapid bleeping filling every inch of the room and the ears of the girl within it.
Groaning with lack of effort in wanting to get out of bed, Noah slipped her hand out from underneath her cocoon of warmth in the form of a duvet, fumbling around on her bedside cabinet for her phone before pressing the button which switched off the noise of the alarm.

She groaned again, rolling over onto her stomach and pulling her blankets over her head. Getting up for school was something that, like many other people in the world, Noah had a strong hatred for. She grasped onto every minute she could in bed after her alarm had gone off, pretending as if she hadn't heard it in the first place. But, her mother had other plans.

"Noah, are you up? Breakfast is ready, hurry up or it'll go cold!"

Noah yawned, rolling her eyes and eventually herself out of bed. Still in her pyjamas, she made her stroll down the hallway and into the kitchen & dining room area across from the lounge, a stack of mini pancakes sat atop a plate that was placed upon the dining table.

The smell enticed Noah and brought her to her seat with a childish grin, she sat down and began to eat. Thoughts from the events of the previous night flooded her memory, the image of her mother stood in her bedroom doorway with glossy tear stained cheeks. Noah's focus fell entirely upon wondering what happened between her parents instead of her breakfast.

"Thinking about boys, hm?" Jackie teased, sliding into the chair across the table from where her daughter was sitting. Her question broke Noah's train of thought.

"What? Wait-no, I wasn't!"

Jackie raised an eyebrow, a smirk beginning to form upon her face, creating the 'Oh, really?" look

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Jackie raised an eyebrow, a smirk beginning to form upon her face, creating the 'Oh, really?" look.

"I wasn't!" Noah repeated. "-Actually, I was thinking about last night..."

Jackie's smirk fell quickly into a downhearted frown. Seeing this, Noah saw an opportunity to get some answers.

"If something's happened, something bad, please tell me. I can't just sit back and ignore everything, I think I have a right to-"

"We're getting a divorce."

Noah's eyes widened as her mouth dropped suddenly open.

"Wha-What? When? Why? I don't understand, is this a joke?" Jackie shook her head, her eyes not daring to meet with those of her daughter, she couldn't bring herself to do so in the moment.

"It's no joke, angel. We've been discussing it for a while now, your father and I, and we think that a divorce would be best."

Noah's mind began to fog every word that her mother spoke, to the point where she could only just make out what was being said. The shock of it all had begun to take it's toll on her body. She had a feeling deep down that something like this was going to happen sooner or later. Her father, David, had been acting up for months at this point. He would come home drunk quite frequently after going out with his friends, then came all of the arguing when Jackie found out. David became a different person when drunk, not a nice one either.

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