5] the first embrace of many

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Peter hadn't felt this kind of pain in a long time, he didn't know how to handle it, other than to crawl into a bundle in a corner and bawl- that's all he wanted to do, anyway...

The words upon his screen sent shivers down his spine, and a feeling that he could equal to a knife through his fragile heart. Though the situation wasn't as bad as it seemed, realistically, to Peter it was too hard to comprehend. Peter was easily broken, he was a child. Simple things seemed like the end of the world to him, and this was beyond that.

All he could do was blame himself for not being confident enough to confess his feelings, he was scared of rejection- Scared that Noah didn't feel the same way. But at this moment, he had to push that aside and do everything in his power to stop her from leaving. He couldn't imagine not having one of his best friends with him everyday, it was something he hadn't even thought about up until this moment, as it seemed impossible of a situation.

Peter stood fixed to the spot he'd been standing in for the duration of the phone call with Ned, in the middle of his room. He stared at the text, it didn't occur to him how long he'd been doing so instead of replying, but eventually it came to realisation.

His hands shaking, he typed out a short reply.


Then he waited, waited for anything. For Noah to tell him it was a cruel joke, for her to say that her mom had changed her mind again... He waited for a better outcome.

A photo of Noah and himself suited in Star Wars onesies, wrapping their arms around each others' shoulders and grinning cheerily at the camera, flashed on the screen with the familiar 'Incoming call from Noah McKenna'.

He hesitated to answer, the first time he'd ever done it. Usually he'd never think twice, he'd just answer and let out his delighted 'hey!' to hear Noah do the same back.

Eventually, he answered, placing the phone to his ear and forcing out a 'hey!', but it didn't come out in the tone it usually did.

"Peter I'm-, I don't want to go! I tried to get her to listen but she insists it's best. I can't go!"

Noah's voice cracked, a clear indicator to her tears that Peter wouldn't have noticed if it weren't for the break in her voice. He'd never seen or heard her cry before, she was always the 'man of the group', she was a tough girl.

Peter's heart snapped in two at that sound, he knew that if Noah was crying, it must be real.

"It's okay, it's okay. Just, erm- Is your mom home now?"

"No, she's gone to talk to her management about the move. It's too soon, Peter. I don't know what to do!"

A lump came to Peter's throat as he though about asking the dreaded question, considering it for a moment as to whether or not it was the right idea. But he'd find out someday either way.

"H-how soon is soon?"

It was silent for a few seconds, as if Noah didn't want to answer. Peter's heart began to race even faster.

"Two weeks..."

Peter inhaled deeply, this was too much to comprehend. He couldn't let her go that soon, or at all for that matter.

"What? No! No, you can't, why so soon?"

"I don't know, I just-"

Noah went silent, Peter had to double check she hadn't hung up on him. That's when he heard her faintly, the quiet sound of distant sobbing was just audible enough for Peter to hear. Just enough for him to break.

secret saviour ▹ peter parkerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon