1: Finding Out (Edited)

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"Nico!" Hazel called her younger brother.

Being the twenty-two year-old, she scowled in a motherly mood. "Nico, try to pick up your messes!" She scolded her 16-year-old brother as if he were a child.

"Hurry! We have guests coming!" The tips of her ears grew red with irritation.

She heard her brother sigh, "Sorry, Haze. My boyfriend was trying to cook, and failed, obviously."

"Well, clean it up, and tell him to start taking classes."

The two chuckled.

Nico entered the kitchen fully as Hazel left, and sighed at the scattered batter and chocolate chips. Really, Percy? This is "a little mess for later?" It was everywhere--in the cupboards, on the counter, on the floor, IN THE MICROWAVE! He just can't give Nico a break, can he?

He sighed as he got out the mop.

-time skip- • -nico's pov-

"Welcome!" Hazel gave Piper and Ally hugs, and Michael and James kisses on the cheeks. She brought them to the living room, which I had just sat down in from cleaning.

Where's Percy?

Ally and Piper both gave me fist-bumps. Michael patted my shoulder, and James high-fived me with a silent-waddup (head nod).

"Where's Percy?" I asked Piper.

She shrugged, "He said he would be running late, but didn't say why."

I furrow my eyebrows. That's weird, and quite concerning.

"Is everything okay?" I ask.

Piper nods, "Probably."

That wasn't too reassuring.

I quickly excused myself to my room. Once inside, I closed the door and brought out my phone. I clicked Percy's contact and called his number.

He picked up after three rings.

"Hello?" he asked casually.

"Hey, babe, it's me."

There was silence.

"Everything okay?" I asked.

After a moment, "Yeah, baby, it's all good. Sorry I'm not there, I'll have to cancel. Something came up. But tell Haze and Pipes I said hi!"

"O-oh, okay. I w-will. Are you all right?" I bit my bottom lip.

"Yeah, baby, I'll explain later. Sorry, Neeks."

"No, it's okay. I just wanted to make sure."

"Okay. I gotta go. Love you!"

"Love you."

He ended the call. I took in a deep breath, Okay, everything's good. But I couldn't help but feel like it's not.

-time skip-

After our friends left, I decided to text Percy.

Me: hey

Percy: hey

Me: you ok?

Percy: yeah! Sorry i had to cancel. Got in trouble with my mom -_-

I furrowed my eyebrows. Sally...grounded him? Yeah, right.

Me: so you say. Tell me the truth, Jackson. Is everything okay?

Percy: *sigh* im not a very good liar.

Me: are you ok?

Percy: i think itd be better to 📲 you

Me: okay

I went to Percy's contact again, but an incoming call popped up before I could call him first. I answered it.

"Percy?" I asked.

"Yeah?" His voice sounded...duller.

"Percy, are you okay?"




I took a deep breath, preparing myself for the worst.

"Tell me what's wrong." I say.

"I had another appointment today, a doctor one."

I stayed silent, so he continued.

"I have a heart disease."

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