An Introduction

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Perhaps it was because I used words with more syllables like 'perplexing' and 'unintentional'. Maybe it was because I was tall and had been my full height since age 13 appearing more mature. 

I should of been a complete freak, loner, intellectual, wallflower or secret wannabe harbouring a stalkerish crush on the most popular guy. To me I looked like anyone of those from the inside. I had behaviours and traits of those classifications. I aspired to not being seen!
It could of been that I rarely turned anyone away (despite never seeking, desiring or even remotely thinking about their company). Every time I got approached I was startled and bewildered. My wide-eyed surprise was apparently interpreted as an open door and gushing greeting, inviting them into my warm embracing inner circle. Not one to be rude or unkind, I would be bewildered but listening, considerate but careful with my answers. I was just being polite.

I had had a deep meaningful conversation with every student in my year all except one.

The Perplexing Guide: Unintentionally Becoming Popular in HighschoolWhere stories live. Discover now