Step 3: Boys

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I did not like guys. They were a waste of my focus and time with their stupid bragging antics and teasing. When they approached me I was wary of their intentions.

The first time I was approached by a high school boy out of the blue, it was a duo. Stephen and Stavro, team players fresh off their grass paddock for the day. I was exiting the school and they were talking and making their way to change. Convinced that I was invisible, any acknowledgement of them passing was not required.

Giving myself up to thought again I was snapped back to my surroundings as the guys saw me coming, one called my name, they both greeted me fondly and they stopped walking.

They saw me.

They knew my name.

They were being friendly.

Worst of all they were right in front of me to converse and interact.

I summed them up rapidly.

Stephen. Short neat sandy blonde hair, tanned skin, skinny, all muscle and sinew, slightly taller than me and probably still growing. I could feel his confident openness and honesty as he always held eye contact with a smile. Light Hazel eyes with a clean glass-like shine. My chest released suddenly less uptight about this encounter with Mr Genuine Honest.

Stavro, Greek obviously. Easy smile, soft dark curls on top his head, creamy coffee coloured tan. Trim and fit. He dipped his chocolaty gaze down every so often. There was a dimple to punctuate his smile, endearing to my heart that contradicted my 'I do not like boys' mantra.

They asked about my afternoon plans and if I played sport and would I play soccer with them sometime. My eyes dropped to my feet then wondering if the muscle memory of first, second and third ballet positions would translate to soccer skills on the pitch.

<Snort> Me in a competitive sport not to mention it is a team sport with live interactive human movement strategy. Nope. Sorry boys. Not for me.

"No thank you, guys. I don't play soccer, but you two enjoy. --- bye". 

 Polite words and then I sidestepped out of their company. I felt like I was in shock for two hours afterwards.  

The Perplexing Guide: Unintentionally Becoming Popular in HighschoolWhere stories live. Discover now