My Boy

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Scott Weschler, was the shiny treasure I had picked up in grade school. A caring kid who warmed my heart as he beamed benevolence to all in the nativity play.  

We all change and with the rapid growth of childhood we do it fast. Scott did it faster.  

After Christmas break he was already much taller and a little broader.  His one temple grew a whiter sun bleached streak that set off his eyes, were an electric blue.  

This transformed boy began to not only shine in my eyes but on the sports fields too. He would score all the winning soccer goals and completely slay an opponent in tennis.  In pitching and batting, he out performed everyone. 

My feelings for him were so intense I rejected them. All my class interactions with him I made contentious. His brows would contract in puzzlement and his gaze would search my eyes. He never seemed ruffled by me though and could dust off my contempt like dry grass that clung to his socks . The regret I felt when I realised I was bullying him caused me to withdraw further from my peers. 

Everyday I still mapped out his movements, watched over him and sighed or smiled for him.  

I was enchanted with the light of his soul which I caught a glimmer of in grade school. Years went by with him as my daily focus. I worried for him, cheered for him but all silently. This kind of devotion was love.

By highschool that glow I had seen in him as a boy, was a bonfire at a pep rally with chanting fans. There would be no popular student clic without him. His tall, tanned, lean muscle body with broad shoulders always stood in the middle of his team boys.  Certain girls befriended all the team guys just to get to him.

I never saw him on his own. We never spoke. We never made eye contact.  

I just watched him day in and day out and bristled at his misbehaviour.  People assumed I did not like him at all. I assumed it. Such denial. I loved to hate him.

To me he had become corrupted, mislead, lost in the partying life, wasting his life tonsil licking with girls and I dreaded to think of what else.  

My core desire was to save him. To show him a better more dignified way of life, love and relationships. 

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