Chapter One

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Evan was a rich fellow that had a nice house towards the countryside. He had plenty of friends that lived nearby, and he had a business in technology called Vanoss Industries with a pass time of hockey in the winter on the frozen lake and horse riding and breeding to sell them whenever he could. Yes, Evan lived a life of wealth and somewhat pease, but today was the day when he was to visit an acquaintance named Luke who was looking into buying one of his horses that he bred. Arriving he walked up to the door and knocked. The door opened to reveal Luke's butler.
"Ah, good day Master Evan," he greeted, "Do come in."
"Thank you Henry," Evan stepped in, "Is Luke home?"
"Master Luke should be in his office waiting for you sir."
Evan headed up the stairs and walked towards the office to see the door open. Luke was sitting at his desk as he was writing something down; when he spotted Evan he stood up.
"Ah, Evan," Luke smiled, "Glad you can make it."
"Same here," Evan smiled back, "So you're interested in one of my fox trotters?"
"I am. How much for a beauty like that?"
"Well that's what we're here for."
"Would you like a coke or anything?"
"Uh I'll have a sprite."
"On it, Jonathan!"
In the doorway appeared a raccoon hybrid; hybrids are used as slaves or servants when bought, and it depends how much money you have. The hybrid had dark brown hair, porcelain toned skin with light brown freckles dotting across his upper cheeks and across his nose, raccoon ears and a raccoon tail to symbolize which animal he is a hybrid of, and a pair of baby blue eyes. When Evan looked at him he saw that he looked a little malnourished, and had bags under his eyes. Most of all he coward somewhat with his ears flat against his head.
"Y-yes Master?," the hybrid stuttered.
"Get my friend here a sprite," Luke ordered.
"Yes s-sir."
The hybrid scurried off with his tail almost between his legs. Evan looked over at Luke who was typing on his computer.
"So," Evan turned forward, "When did you get this hybrid?"
"Eh, about a month ago," Luke waved it off, "No one was buying it so I took pity. Jonathan is its name, and he actually is helpful."
Evan didn't like it how he used the word "it" to describe a living person. Sure a hybrid, but even they have a right to be considered a person. Evan saw Jonathan coming back with a glass with ice and a can of sprite. He placed them both on the desk and seemed to wait for any other orders.
"Thank you Jonathan," Evan opened the can and poured the drink, "That will be all."
Jonathan nodded and walked off to leave them.
"Oh wait," Evan called out, "One more thing."
Jonathan walked back over. Evan pulled out some pictures of some horses and showed them.
"Which one do you like? Out of opinion."
"Uhh," Jonathan thought, "I like the gypsy horse-"
"Thank you Jonathan," Luke narrowed his eyes, "That will be all."
Jonathan scampered off, not wanting to anger his master. Evan placed the gypsy horse picture on the desk and looked at Luke with a serious face.
"How about this," he offered, "I give you the fox trotter in exchange for your hybrid."
"No hybrid is worth one horse," Luke huffed, "But if you gave me two that will be a deal worth thinking about."
"Take it or leave it, I heard that someone else wanted the horse you wanted for a higher price."
They shook hands, Evan saying he'll come back tomorrow with a contract for him to sign. As he walked down the stairs he spotted Jonathan mopping the marble floors. He casted Evan a glance before quickly going back to what he was doing. Evan walked outside to his car and drove home.
Poor hybrid, he thought, Doesn't deserve a life like this...I'll make sure he won't live like this any longer. He'll be treated right, but he'll still have to do some of the work around the house. Luckily I have a smaller house.
Evan made it back to his house and jogged inside to make that contract. He quickly made the contract and printed it out to be signed tomorrow morning. He then remembered the guest bedroom he had and began making it neat and organized for Jonathan's arrival. He went out shopping for extra food so that the raccoon hybrid could have a proper meal, and he also bought some special shampoo for the hybrid so that he can wash up in the bathroom connected to his soon to be bedroom. Evan sighed as he finally finished the preparations, and smiled at his handy work.
Evan then went outside and towards the horse stalls where he kept some of his personal horses, the rest at a different farm farther off. He walked up to his friesian horse to which he named Hoodini.
"Hey buddy," he patted the horse's neck, "Wanna go for a ride?"
The black coated horse jumped up a little in excitement. Evan grinned and got the horse ready as they road down a trail to the big field with some horse training equipment. He liked training his horses, so that when people bought them they wouldn't act so riled up. Evan and Hoodini did some jumps and some trots and gallops till they had to go back. Evan cleaned his horse up and headed back inside his house to get himself a nice meal to eat.
Soon he headed for bed and slept the night away, thinking of what it was going to be like with a hybrid living with him, more or less serving him. The next day Evan got up and dressed in a semi business outfit as he placed the contract in a briefcase and headed for Luke's place. When he got there Jonathan was the one to answer the door; the hybrid had a black eye and a small cut on his cheek. He let Evan in and went off again.
"Hey Jonathan?," Evan called out.
Jonathan's ear lifted as he heard Evan call out, and turned around to look at him.
"Pack your things up; you're coming home with me today."
Jonathan was confused, but nodded as he went off. Evan marched up to Luke's office and opened the door.
"Came with the contract?," Luke asked without looking up from his work.
"I did," Evan walked up, "And I'm taking Jonathan with me today; your horses will arrive tomorrow afternoon."
Luke looked up with a scowl.

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