I'm alive!...I think?

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Hey guys, how's it going? Now before you say anything I would like to hand out a big apology for being absent for a long periodically time; school has been very rough and I have been dealing with some mental issues. As a community in this small corner of Wattpad, I hope you understand what I'm trying to say. Other than that I have come back to find a lot, and I mean A LOT, of notifications, so a quick shout out to all the readers who voted and commented on my stories, it means a hell of a lot to me. Now that we're done with that, it's time for a few announcements I have.
My first announcement is that the book "Riding Free" will be worked on and you should expect a chapter this week. I know how long everyone has been waiting for an update and I will promise you one. Now I don't want to spoil anything, but there is a redemption scene sometime later in the book that I thought very hard on. Other than that I'll try get more chapters in to finally wrap up this book. If it helps I have high hopes for the ending.
Second announcement is that I sadly won't be able to continue "Mending Bridges" for a long time. I don't know how long, but I know that it comes to the point where I have to revisit the book and see what I can do to help it. So if any of you who like to read that book, this must be bad news for you. Don't worry, the book isn't going anywhere, so there is promise. You'll just have to wait a little longer.
Third announcement is that I plan on writing a prequel to the book "Son Of Calypso". This has been requested a lot of the time, believe it or not, and I have finally decided writing one. The prequel will be the story of how Evan became a pirate and earned the name and rank of Captain Vanoss, how he got his crew of friends together, where did he find Gold Piece (the owl), and will fill in some holes of some topics that you skimmed over because they've only been mentioned briefly. Most importantly, yes there shall be treasure. So hoist the sails and prepare to sail into my upcoming book "Captain Of Sails" (title a work in progress).
And that's all I have for you guys. Please leave comments below if you have any questions or suggestions and I will respond as soon as I can. Again I will give a shoutout to all my followers on Wattpad, a thank you for sticking to my slow paced "channel". I was happy to look at the notifications of the many people who voted and commented. So thank you so much for reading, and I will write to you all later.

Riding Free (H20Vanoss)Where stories live. Discover now