Chapter Seventeen

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"Jonathan?," Evan sat up, "What's wrong?"
"Sorry," Jonathan smiled and chortled, "It's just when someone's so happy they just, ya know, end up crying...After this whole emotional rollercoaster of yesterday, I'm just happy I actually still have you."
Evan cupped Jonathan's face, placing their foreheads together as they both closed their eyes and smiled. Jonathan still had tears of happiness shedding. Evan pulled back and kissed them away.
"...C'mon," he carried Jonathan bridal style, "We have to get ready for the next trial today."
"I don't want to go," Jonathan allowed Evan to carry him.
"I know you don't, but I have a really good feeling that these two won't get away with what they did."
"...You wouldn't deny our relationship again, would you?"
"I'd rather rot in prison they not say I love you in front of millions."
Jonathan snuggled up into his boyfriend's arms as they arrived to the bathroom; both had a bath together, (they didn't "do it" for all you who think that way. Stop that, get some help [jk]) Jonathan helping Evan washing his hair and Evan helping Jonathan with his ears and tail. Soon they rinsed off and got out to get ready for the next trial: Luke's trial with them. Evan opened the car door for Jonathan, closing it and walking around the other side to the driver's seat to start the engine. Jonathan felt a panic attack coming on as they drew closer to the building. He was about ready to hop out of the moving car when he heard the doors lock.
"I'm not letting you jump out of a moving vehicle," Evan read his mind, "I love you, and I'm sorry you have to face Luke again, but you have to-"
Jonathan broke out into tears; Evan stopped the car to hug him tightly.
"I-I-I c-can-an't d-do-do it!," Jonathan cried.
"Shh," Evan hushed him, "It's ok, relax."
After five minutes Evan finally managed to calm Jonathan down enough so they could get a move on to the court. Once there, Jonathan immediately spotted Luke, and looked away. Evan clasped onto his hand and led them over to where their spot would be with their lawyer Mark.
"Ok," Mark looked through the papers, "I have devised a pretty good argument; last time the court approved your relationship, so that's a benefit."
"And the contract?," Evan asked, squeezing Jonathan's hand a little in reassurance.
"I do, not to worry."
Radio banged her mallet to gain everyone's attention.
"Mr. Vince will go first," Radio pointed to Luke's lawyer.
"Thank you your honor," he stood up, "I will like to call the hybrid up to the stand."
"The hybrid has a name," Evan growled quietly, but Jonathan placed a gentle hand on his shoulder as a silent message of "it's fine, I'll be ok".
Jonathan walked up to the stand, sitting down as he attempted to just keep his eyes on the lawyer.
"Hybrid, can you identify who owned you first?," the lawyer gestured to the crowd.
Jonathan pointed at Luke.
"This very hybri-"
"Use his name!," Evan barked, being pulled down by Mark in a state of panic and embarrassment.
"Mr. Fong hold your tongue," Radio ordered, "But Mr. Vince, you will have to use Jonathan's name; do not refer to hybrid."
"Very well your honor," the lawyer seemed to roll his eyes before continuing, "So, Jonathan, Luke purchased you at a reasonable price, yes?"
"I am not aware I had a price tag," Jonathan frowned.
"In this case you did; now my client said that Evan traded two of his horses for your custody, is that true?"
"Yes sir."
Mr. Vince turned to the crowd.
"Now my client has said he has NEVER got his end of the deal, therefore, he still has custody despite the signed contract; it is stated that each end will hold up their bargain, and unless they don't the papers are faulty."
"What?," Evan whispered.
Jonathan's pupils were dilated in fear, hearing nothing but his pounding heart in his chest; Luke had this smug look on his face.
"Mr. Luke didn't retrieve his end of the deal?," Radio arched a brow.
"That is right your honor," the lawyer looked up at her.
Evan looked at the judge as she looked down at her copy of the contract.
"I guess then there is fraud," she picked up her mallet, "As of now Jonathan will have to go back into-"
The door opened with Willie, and his wife right behind him walking in with two horses trailing behind him on leads. Jonathan looked up at Willie like he was a guardian angel.
"Excuse me?," Mr. Vince scowled, "But who are you, and what gives you the right to come marching into this court case with a bunch of horses?"
"I'd sit yer ass down if I were ye," Willie came forward, "I'm 'ere ta prove that these horses are infact the ones in Luke's contract right 'ere."
Radio raced a brow, but shrugged as she allowed the horses to be in the courtroom.
"To hell with this," she said while leaning back in her seat, "Might as well have them in here."
"Thank ya yer honor," Willie tipped his hat to her, "Now these horses 'ave a specific number ye see. Look for 'em in right there contract."
Radio flipped through it and found the numbers of the horses. She looked back up at Willie who had a scanner out that scanned something on the horses neck. He handed it up to her to which she looked at; the same numbers in the contract.
"All of 'em horses are implanted wit' a special chip once delivered to ther' new owner; Mr. Luke got his horses, there for, both ends are completed."
Radio looked over at Luke, seeing a nervous smile on the man's face. She turned back to Jonathan.
"Thank you Jonathan," she said, "You may return to your seat."
Jonathan got up and scurried over to his boyfriend who held him.
"Luke will face the same punishment as Sydney, but with an extra four years," she banged her mallet, "Now move these horses out before they shit on the carpet."
Evan and Jonathan's friends cheered; Evan lifted Jonathan up on one of the horses and guided him out.
"And Mr. Fong?"
Evan turned back to look at a smiling judge.
"You owe me a free horse ride," she winked, telling him that everything was now ok.

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