Chapter Twenty-Four

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July 16, 2019 (5:25am)

Things have changed in my life; not bad, but amazing things, since I last wrote in this old book. Of course, that is after tracking it down thanks to Evan. Evan has always been so helpful. He even saved my life more times than I can count. I can never thank him enough.
I've dated Evan Fong for at least two years now, and we have gotten to the topic of marriage plenty of times. In the end, he proposed to me on pride month. I would've been the biggest fool in the world if I said no to him. We're planning on getting married next year before the holidays, since next year would be the voting season as Amilee Snowleopardowls is rocking the poles right now with her freedom talk; I know for sure she'll win, as hybrid rights have been becoming clearer each day. Evan is her biggest funder after all.
Sydney has been working her way into being a singer again, but she's spent a lot of time helping Willie on the farm as a kind of rehab from fame. She did gain her fame back though, and she's found a cute female gazelle-hybrid in her sights. Evan and I went on double dates with the two of them, and I think Sydney is going to bring her over some time. It makes me happy to see that she found someone for herself. Even after prison.
Today is important because of one thing: my parents. Amilee placed in an investigation to find them so I can reconnect with them, and she said that has. She's bringing them in by plane, so Evan is going to be driving us there to meet up with them. I'm so nervous to face them though after all these years. I've changed and grown, and now I'm engaged to a person that is the same race that took me away from them.
But I know my parents. I know they'll accept me and Evan.
"Whatcha doing there?"
Jonathan looked up from his journal to see Evan standing in the doorway of their bedroom with the same old casual smirk.
"Oh," Jonathan closed the journal up, "Just writing."
"About what?," Evan asked.
"Life; how we're engaged, how Amilee is doing well in the poles, Sydney finding a girlfriend, and going to meet my parents...Everything has changed so much."
Evan sat down next to Jonathan, wrapping an arm around him and holding him tight.
"Everything has changed for the better my little raccoon," he explained, "We're making a history that will be remembered."
Jonathan smiled, his raccoon ears folding back and his cheeks coated lightly in blush. Evan smiled back, kissing him sweetly on the lips.
"Now, let's get going," Evan got up, "It's a long way to the airport."
The pair hopped into the car and drove off. All the while Jonathan kept his eyes locked out onto the window, looking at the passing fields.
"Evan?," he spoke up.
"Hm?," Evan hummed in response.
"Thank you."
"For what?"
"For saving me."
Evan knew what Jonathan meant. He just placed a hand lovingly on his cheek.
"For you, a thousand times over," was all he responded with.
By the time the sun was almost climbed up into the sky, Evan found parking in a special VIP section on the runway. Jonathan stepped out of the car and looked towards the horizon as three hybrids began to approach them. One was Amilee, and the other two were raccoon-hybrids. Jonathan didn't know what to say as he looked at the two hybrids with tears in his eyes. He slowly started walking towards them before progressing into a sprint.
"Mom!," he cried out with joy, "Dad!"
The two parents had tears as well as they raced over to their son.
"My kit!," his mother cried.
"Jonathan!," his father cried.
They embraced each other tightly, crying tears of joy and relief. Evan had a smile on his face as he stood next to Amilee, who was wiping her own tears away.
"Go on," she said, "Join them."
"I don't think they'd want me to," Evan shook his head.
Evan looked to see Jonathan escorting his parents over to them. He stood by Evan's side and faced them.
"Dad, mom," he took a deep breath in, "This is Evan Fong; he saved me from abuse, and we are in love."
Evan was a little taken aback, for when he went in to give a handshake, the mother just enveloped him in a tight hug, the father joining in.
"You saved our son," the father said, "We can never repay you."
"Well, sir," Evan rubbed the back of his neck nervously, "If there is one thing you can do for me...For us...Is that I would like to have your blessing."
The parents were confused at first, but both looking shocked as Jonathan held up his hand to show the engagement ring. It was quiet for a moment before the father held out a hand.
"Welcome to the family son," he said with confidence.
"You have our blessing," the mother responded.
Evan shook the father's hand.
There are people different from us in shapes, forms, and colors. In how we love one another, and in how we think on views.
The group began walking back to the car, going to go over to celebrate with the rest of the boys.
And some might not be ready for a change, but I as hell sure know I am.
Lui hugged Jonathan's parents tightly, as he was like a second son to them.
Esmeralda told me something, not in the form of an understandable language, but in her own sense of words.
Marcel popped open a champagne bottle, everyone cheering as the cork flew out.
You are free in your own sense. Not only free by law, or public view, but free in your heart and soul. I can tell the future is going to be a bright one.
Jonathan and Evan looked up at one another, both smiling. They leaned in and kissed one another. Jonathan's parents smiled at the sight, holding each other in their arms as they watched their little boy's smile come back from the hidden past.
And we know that we're ready for it.


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