Bad News has Arrived | Chapter 2

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Y/n's POV

We were walking down the hall and arrived at our classroom.
I opened the door and all the attention was on me. Well fuck.

I sighed and walked to my seat.

(Skip Time)

Our teacher isn't here yet. Strange. There are times when I would be the one who is late and would get scolded. I was about to plug in my earphones when people barged in. I looked up and my eyes widened.

They're bad news.
What are they doing here?

News spread that these men were dangerous. My parents told me to befriend with them. The hell? Do you both want me to die?! I asked them why, they said so they're parents will arrange a marriage. I was terrified. They want to sell me? To make they're company more known? I was furious that I walked out on them that day. They said sorry and told me to THINK about it.

(Flashback 4 years ago)

I arrived home and saw my parents waiting for someone.
"Mom? Dad? Gwechana? (Are you alright?)" They looked up and spoke softly "Y/n-ah~" "come here and sit with us" my dad said. I walked to them and sat in between the both of them.
"Waegurae? (What's wrong?)" My Dad smiled and said

"Do you know BTKONIX?"
"Do you know they're parents?"

I nodded "Yeah why?"
Mom sighed. Okay. This is just weird. My parents never acted like this. "Y/n."

"Have you heard that they're family has the richest company's on Earth?" I nodded again and said "Yeah and BTKONIX are the most dangerous men on Earth" I added Dad sighed "Y/n. We need a favor" I could tell hesitation in his voice his eyes were full of worry and regret. What is wrong with both of them?! I'm already getting impatient. "Appa just tell me what's wrong." He looked up and gave me a small smile. "Y/n.....We need you to befriend with BTKONIX." My eyes widened and said "You're joking right?" They shook their heads and mom said "Y/n-ah, We need your help with this. To make our company known!" I furiously stood up and said "MITCHOSOEYO?!?! (ARE YOU CRAZY?!?!)" They looked shocked.

"You're selling me to those men who are dangerously close to being Top 1 raper's?!!!?"


"No! I don't want to talk about it!!" I went upstairs to my room and locked my door.

(Few days later)

"Y/n-ah" Mom spoke softly. I groaned and started squirming around my King-sized bed. "We're sorry." My eyes shot open.
"Appa?" I asked "Y/n We're sorry." Appa said with sadness in his voice. "Y/n. Just........." Mom sighed "Just think about it" I just nodded and they left.


BTKONIX The Dangerous Men | Book 1Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin