Danger 2?! | Chapter 9

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Y/n's POV


Min. Fucking. Yoongi.

"Aren't you gonna say anything?" He said with an annoying smirk on his face.

Oh how I wish I can slap him with a pizza.

"I'm going to ask again..... aren't you going to say anything?" I rolled my eyes and stood up still pinching the bridge of my nose.

"Bitch I don't think I have to" I stopped for a moment "and plus...I don't say sorry to playerfuckboys"


Welp there you go! A painful slap from the pale and thin man.
Ok I'm sounding awfully rude. Well I should.

"What did you say?" I cupped my cheek that is red as a ketchup and pinch my nose painfully.

*Ding Dong*

Oh thank you!!!

They all glare at me and gather up and walk to the door.

"Oh..I didn't know you weren't with us!" V said.

"Namjoon.....we need to talk" that voice sounds familiar.

Waitwaitwaitwaitwaitwaitwaitwaitwaitwaitwait. Wait.

Hold your horses.....is that....

"DONKEY!!!!" I screamed smiling like an idiot

They all looked at me confused

Jungkook: Donkey? The fuck? Do we look like Donkeys to you?

Jimin: who the big ass head hell is Donkey?

Taehyung: uh woman? Are you high? Who the hell is Donkey?

Namjoon: You sure you haven't humped anyone yet?

Jin: Did you put an eggplant in that small pussy of yours yesterday dear?

Yoongi: Are you horny? What the hell is wrong with you? Do you want to ride someone? Geez.

"It's Donkey!!" I point to the guy who is beside Namjoon.
They all looked at him and then back at me.

Namjoon: Ok.....did you hump this....Donkey? While you were drunk?

Jin: So you did put an eggplant up your small pussy....let me get it for you...

Yoongi: did you ride....Donkey?

Taehyung:Woman......You're more than high

Jimin: You're seriously stupid..a stupid head hell

Jungkook: isn't the Donkey I thought he would look like....

Jungkook: isn't the Donkey I thought he would look like

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Donkey laughs "it's Donghyuk" I blush and look down.
"I'm sorry" my voice small and shy
I hear footsteps coming towards me.
He stops in front of me "hey it's okay.." he lifts my chin up and smile. "I'm really sorry" I look at him blushing.

He chuckles "you're adorable" I look away and smile.
He laughs and walks to the boys.
"We can talk next time....take care of Y/n....bye Y/n" I look up and smile shyly

"b-bye" he bids his goodbye to the boys and look at me one last time before leaving.

I squeel.
"He is so handsome!!!!! He is so....so..... gentle" Jungkook chuckles darkly.

"He won't be when it comes to bed" the others laugh.

I give a disgusted face.

Yoongi frowns "alright......"

"Where were we?"Namjoon ends as Jungkook laughs.

"Oh Hyung you would not believe what Y/n did earlier.." he looks at me with an annoying smirk plastered on his face. Motherfucker.

Hoseok walks to me with heavy steps. He stops in front of me and I look up at him.

"I wonder what Y/n did today.....what did she do Kook?" He looks at Jungkook with a mischievous smile.

"She did something very very very bad~" he looked at me as he teased me.

"Tsk tsk tsk badgirls like you should be punished" Jin said shaking his head sideways.

"Get in the room you were in and sit there.....do NOT even think of escaping because we will find you..." Namjoon looks at me with a raised brow. I looked down as I nodded.

Jimin held my hand gently and walked with me in the room.
As we came in, I felt shivers crawling down my body.
Jimin noticed and he smiled. "It's fine I'm here if someone is going to kidnap you. Just sit down and be a goodgirl for me okay love?" I nodded and walked to the chair.

I sat down. Oh my. This is giving me the creeps!

Jimin walks to a closet and open it. He walks to me with alot of things.

What is he..?

Is that......? Oh my God.....

BTKONIX The Dangerous Men | Book 1Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora