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Hello! My name is Chase Blue, well, not really, but that's my pen-name so it'll do. This is basically just a warning for whatever lies ahead, this book is a ginormous work in progress so be warned. There is a large possibility of grammar mistakes, spelling mistakes (as much of this will probably be typed on my phone and that auto-correct sucks) and generally cringy writing. This is my first written work other than the short story that is also published on my profile, but you don't need to read that. All in all, please bear with me as I figure out how to write this book. Constructive criticism is always appreciated, but I'd rather you don't be too harsh about it. 

Things to be aware of:

- Foul language (it does take place in Boston, mind you)

- Mentions/implications of physical abuse and rape

- Mentions/implications of depression/self harm

- Violence in general

- THIS IS AN LGBTQ+ STORY! THERE ARE BISEXUAL, LESBIAN, AND TRANS CHARACTERS. If you don't support that, kindly leave my story, making comments about how much you disapprove really isn't necessary

- Probably no smut because I don't know if I can write it, but if I do I will mark it for y'all (I mean, there will be a group of hormonal teenagers living in the same building, I don't even know what's going to happen)

I'll put a warning before any particularly vivid scenes as to not cause anybody trouble, f you want to skip things, that's okay, they most likely won't be relevant to the actual story-line.

I do not have a planned update schedule (I doubt anybody will like the story enough to care about that anyways, but just putting it out there)

I hope that if you somehow stumbled upon this book, it will be enjoyable for you. I'll be trying my hardest to make it decent. 

Lots of love, CB

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