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The man simply stood there, staring right back into Skyler's eyes. The street was completely silent. Both the remaining teens and the other adults were standing as still as possible, waiting to see what would happen between Skyler and the man. It soon became clear that all the silence was frustrating her. 

The knife in Skyler's hand pushed harder against the man's neck; "I said, who are you?" Her voice remained level and as calm as she could keep it, but the man definitely seemed to sense her anger, and wanted to push her buttons a little bit more. 

"You sure would like to know, wouldn't you?"

Skyler's face grew impossibly harder, her eyes seeming to darken.

"What's the matter, Skyler?" He taunted, "Can't handle not being in control of the situation? Face the facts, you're out-numbered. Say you do kill me, then my men kill your friends and make you watch. Just put the knife down."

Skyler remained silent, her fury slowly growing inside her body. "Don't you dare threaten my friends." Her voice sent shivers down everybody's spines, and the smirk on the man's face temporarily faltered. "Now let me ask you one more time. Who. Are. You?"

His jaw clenched before he spoke, "I'm an agent, sent by an organization to bring in you and your group. You're meant for something important, I guess. I wasn't told much else."

Skyler narrowed her eyes, "Why us?"

He shrugged, "They didn't tell me."

"Convincing, really very convincing. Why the fuck should I follow you if you've got nothing to offer?"

The man was clearly thinking of what to say; "We...uh, well, showers! Yes, showers, and food and clean clothes, beds, real ones made of memory foam. And safety, your friends won't be harmed at all. If you don't come with us, I can't guarantee that." The man seemed to regain his composure as he kept talking. Bargaining and taunting were his elements.

Skyler lifted her chin, her eyes still angry. "Fine. Drop your gun and lead the way, asswipe."

The man frowned, "I'm not going unarmed."

"Yes you are."

He stood defiantly for a moment before the gun fell from his hand, realizing it was the only way to ensure Skyler would follow. 

"Pick up the gun, Addi." Skyler ordered

The younger girl bent down and lifted the gun gingerly, afraid of the weapon somehow going off. Skyler removed her knife from the guy's neck, took the gun, and made sure to flick the safety back on before tucking it in her waistband. She looked back up at the man, sweeping her arm in a "go ahead" motion. 

He began to walk down the street, everyone else staying where they were. It was clear that the other agents planned to follow behind the teens, but Skyler wasn't having that. 

She nodded her head towards their apparent leader, "Follow along, you aren't walking behind me."

The group of adults grumbled but obliged, walking off down the road as well. 

Skyler pulled out a cigarette and stuck it between her lips, lighting it. Finally turning to look at the other teens, she raised her eyebrows. "Everyone alright?"

It seemed as though they were all in shock, hardly understanding what just went down. She received a couple unsure nods. A bit of a grim expression passed over her face, "Alright, well, let's go."

That seemed to jumble them out of their trance.

"Wait, wait. Are you joking, we're going with them?" Paxton asked

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