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A/n: Just so you know, even though the back stories of the characters are all listed in the Prologue, they do NOT happen at the same time. For example, Addison was kicked out 2 years after Skyler left her father's apartment. I realized that may have seemed a little off to read. Also, this is typed on my phone instead of my laptop so I'm sure there will be mistakes.

Skyler and Addison very quickly became good friends. Addison was very pleased that the other girl had accepted her so easily which helped her to gain confidence in being transgender. They were the first real friends the other had ever gotten to have, and soon there were absolutely no secrets between them. Skyler was aware that it was difficult for Addison to see herslef in a boy's body everyday, so she had begun to grow a protective nature over her friend. In all truth, Addison reminded her of her younger sister, and she knew she wouldn't be able to live with herself if she failed her best friend too.

It would be only a few months before everything changed for them, but they were blissfully unaware, and living their lives to the fullest.

"Give me a second, Addi, you can't rush these types of things."

"I bet I could do it faster, and look less suspicious, I mean, look at you, you're so obvious."

"You know what, I've been stealing things since I was five. If you want to give it a go and get arrested, be my guest."

"I wouldn't get arrested for stealing some pale yellow nail polish, Sky."

"You never know."

"Seriously? Whatever. Just hurry up, we don't have all day. How hard is it to find this spray stuff?"

"Yes, seriously, you have to be careful. And "this spray stuff" is called tattoo cover-up. It's not my fault I'm so fucking pale that it's hard to find a matching skin tone."

"I know, Sky, I'm sorry."

"You can't apologize for something I repeatedly got done when I was high. What high person goes and gets tattoos? Is that just me or do other people do it too? Ah, there it is!"
She grabbed the correct canister off the shelf and stood up, facing her friend. "We can go now, we don't need anything else."

"I still don't get why you need cover-up, are they really that bad?"

Skyler sighed, "Yes."

But they really weren't. In fact, the tattoos were all beautiful and of good quality, but she didn't like to be reminded of the habits she had picked up from her father. She was in constant fear of becoming just like him, and that was something she couldn't stand. When the anxiety got particularly bad, the chain-smoking would start. She really didn't know why Addison bothered to put up with her sometimes. No matter how often she had pleaded for her best friend to stop smoking and drinking, it felt impossible. Most of the items she had stolen in the past month were packs of cigarettes, as it was often more difficult for her to get weed than it was for her to jump behind the counter as Addison caused a distraction.

She hated that she had dragged Addison into her stealing, she really did. Addison was much too pure for everything she had already been put through, and Skyler felt as though she was just making it worse. But Addison was also the only person in the world that knew her full story, so she was grateful to have a best friend.

The two were absolute opposites.

Addison was a generally happy person that always had a smile on her face. She had brightly dyed red hair that was styled into a pixie-cut, and brownish-green eyes that looked as if they had specks of gold in them when the light hit just right.

Skyler, on the other hand, had a bit of a darker appearance. All in all, she looked like she had been through a lot. Her hair was a dark enough brown to look black at first glance, and it fell down her back until it stopped at the bottom of her ribs. Her hair was naturally wavy, but she often found it easier to keep it in a braid. Addison liked to joke that she looked like Katniss. Her eyes were a bright, ocean blue, but they were really the only lightly colored thing about her appearance. She liked to wear clothes that were dark and neutral colors, mostly involving black skinny jeans and some random shirt. She had a lip ring too, but that was often taken out for the same reason as her tattoos were always covered.

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