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The agents lead the way through the door before dispersing around the room, either standing along the walls or sitting in chairs around a large table.

The first to walk in after them was Skyler, the unofficial official leader of the group. She immediately observed the room, noticing the only exit was also the entrance. Instead of the same plain white tile that had been used in the tunnel outside, the room was incredibly modern looking. 

The carpet was a solid black, and the walls started off black at the bottom until about halfway up where a thin gray border stretched around the room, above that it was white. The large table that took up most of the space in the room was made of a black metal frame and a glass top. Around the table were eight large, black, leather office chairs. 

But it was the people in the chairs that caused Skyler to be surprised. Or maybe, people isn't the most accurate word to describe them because to her, they looked more like...orbs.

There were six of them placed around the table, floating above the leather chairs. They were about the size and shape of a soccer ball, although they didn't really look like solid structures. They seemed to be made of light, or energy, and gave off a faint hazy glow.

The one seated, or rather floating, at the head of the table was tinted red. On Skyler's right, three chairs were taken up by orbs of the colors blue, yellow, and purple. Across from the blue and yellow orbs were a green one and an orange one while seated opposite the purple one was none other than Agent Carnth.

The seat directly in front of Skyler was empty.

Not a sound was heard for a few moments as the teens watched the orbs curiously, confused and alarmed as to what was going on.

Skyler kept her face calm, turning her gaze to Agent Carnth and raising one of her eyebrows in question. He simply shrugged at her and looked down the table at the red orb, who was apparently the leader.

She wasn't sure how a floating ball of red light could possibly be the leader of an organization. But she expected there was a lot more going on than she knew about. She felt Addison nudge her arm and take a step forwards to whisper in her ear.

"What's going on, Sky?"

Skyler shook her head, signalling that she wasn't sure either while still keeping her gaze centered on the red orb.

"Does this confuse you?" A voice asked in her head, sounding masculine and faintly robotic.

The red orb hadn't moved, but Skyler was positive the voice belonged to it. She didn't bother to answer, and just continued to stare at it. She felt another nudge, this time by Jayla.

"Did you here that too?" She whispered.

Skyler nodded, muttering back to the younger girl, "It's the glowing sphere, the red one, that's where it came from."

"How do you know?" This time the question came from Paxton, who was standing right behind her.

She turned her head just enough to be able to see him, and sent him a look. "I just do."

He put his hands up in mock defense and smirked down at her. Both of their heads snapped up again at the sound of the voice.

"You never answered my question."

"I didn't feel the need to." Skyler shot back "You must be aware that we don't know what's going on. We were brought here with limited information, and now we're standing in front of you, and we don't know why."

"Do you always speak for them?"

Skyler's eyes narrowed, "No, they're welcome to speak for themselves, as I assume your friends here are too." She said, motioning to the other orbs. "And yet it's just you and I."

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