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We crashed down, deep into the core of this mess we created. Shattered and screaming. Chased and crying. Haunted and alone.

How did we let this go on for so long even when we knew it would break us in the end?

We held each other as we fell into the blackness. And the tears fall, I can't take this; I never could. You hate me now, but I don't hate you, I never could. I could never go against you, to save myself, someone else, anyone else, everyone else. I couldn't do it. But you could, you did. And still I can't hate you for it.

You know that I could never watch or bear to be apart from you, being able to see your pain when I could not console you. So you made sure I couldn't see you. For yourself, and for me. And now I am alone, alone trying to catch the stars.

I thought we could never be parted, not even by death. No matter what you would always be there by my side. And we would face whatever happened together, untied.

But we fell apart, didn't we. Keened over like a wave. We crashed and churned.

We scattered into pieces. We lost love, hope, ourselves. We lost everything along the way. And now we're here. We've gone up in flames together.

Pain brought us closer and it will be pain that eventually tears us apart. We are the centre of the storm. It surrounds us now. My soul is shredded. We've been fighting for so long we don't know how to stop. But now it must come to an end. I'll be left in pieces. Adrift on the sea, twisting in the wind. But after all this time and the pain, maybe I'll be free.

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