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She who walks these shadowed corridors is a broken she.

You don't see me

A soul who finds in life only torment.

A broken echo left by something other, something not of this world

This darkness around her holds only one guttering flame of happiness, and with one word, you can plunge her into darkness.

She who holds on so tight, but always has to let go

She breathes as she walks, she speaks, she thinks.

I don't think she knows what she's holding on to

She holds no tears, just emptiness, only emptiness in this oblivion.

Why is there air around me to breathe when I don't want to breathe to begin with

She sees this world as a hole, a gaping, gaping hole, of which the rest is nothing.

Never stopping never stopping

She holds this hole inside herself as well, and it strangles her, her breath, her words, her thoughts.

Emptiness, only emptiness

She is a shell, who cares not, feels not, takes I'm not what she sees, for she does not know how to see, or care to try.

Her limbs are heavy and her mind can't but scream for rest

She sees this world as nothing, a broken, broken nothing.

Why is there still something left here?

There are no answers to see or lies to feel.

For it is she who feels nothing

Shadows and starlight do nought to convince her.

This twilight, this ending, this beginning

In the end it all belongs to her.

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