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How can it hurt so much? When I'm near you or far away. And then I feel like I've disappointed you. This mysterious you who breaks me and kills me, yet still I cling on. I find no relief though, no release. You're wounding me and I have no blood left to bleed. How can it be possible that you can still take more from me? Even after all this time, all this hurt. Maybe I deserve this pain, maybe I don't, but there's no way that I can see, to get out of this cycle.

I showed you the signs didn't I? I thought you saw them. It feels like there's nothing I can do. You look into my eyes, but you don't see. You never see. You say you love me but there's no me to love. Pouring love into loving everything, but there's no love inside. Empty, stolen shell. Broken and tear stained and useless.

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