A/N - I'm sorry

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Uhm... So I have some bad news I suppose... For anyone who cares really.

Shouldn't be a huge deal cause I'm not very popular... But for people who care, anyway.

I'm so sorry... But...

I'm taking a break. 

I don't know exactly if I'm quiting the whole writing biz... Or if I'm just taking a large break until I get my life squared back up.

I'm... So sorry.

There's just... Too much shit that I'm going through and I just can't fucking take it anymore.

I mean... It isn't really minor either... Cause if it was I would keep writing for you guys...

I hate to say this but... It's come to the point where I haven't been eating, I've been rather anti-social, I've been breaking down, and... I've held a knife to my gut way too many times over the past few days... And I just need a break from everything...

I'm not insane. I'm just going through some serious personal shit, okay.

In conclusion...

I'm so sorry for doing this.

Hopefully... One day I'll get back on this account... And resume my books.

But for now... I'm on hiatus.

Once again, I'm sorry.

Goodbye for now guys...

I love you all.

You guys where the one thing that's been keeping my going for such a long time now.

Thank you so much.

Love, Chelsea

Things Are Different Now {Book 1} {GirlxGirl}Where stories live. Discover now