Re-Cap; Forever And Always

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Just like her father, Peter Pan, Piper adores being young, and of course hates growing up, being herself she just likes having fun. She fights with shadow just like her father but manages to keep shadow around. Obviously she can't be a Pan without a Bell sidekick so of course, Piper has Twinkle, daughter of Tinkerbell. Piper's childhood was in Neverland, she was secretly best friends with the son of Captain Hook, Harry. They would always go out and have adventures together until sundown, then she would go to hang out with the lost boys and Twinkle. After Harry and his father were sent to the Isle of the Lost, Piper was sent to Auradon to grow up. The last words she said to Harry before he was sent to Isle "You know that place between sleep and awake, that place where you still remember dreaming? That's where I'll always love you. That's where I'll be waiting."

After Piper, Mal, Evie, Jay, and Carlos decide to not take the magic wand and let Auradon be, Piper slowly comes to realize she'll have to forget about Harry, but she can't. Eventually, she and Carlos begin to date for a while but eventually break up after finding their relationship being weird since they know each other too well. The new king and the fairy princess begin to grow the perfect brother-sister bond and Piper gets closer to Evie and Mal each and every day. The three girls share an unbreakable bond.

Piper becomes the head knight of Ben's kingdom being she's the only one there with sword experience, so that makes her his right-hand girl but sadly had to drop out of cheerleading. After the coronation, Mal, Piper, and Ben have the paparazzi all over them left and right. Both girls are not used to the situation of course but have to get used to it

As for Jackson, Twinkle, and Midian, they're her neverland crew. When she's not with the Vk's she's with them, if not they're all together. Twink and Midian still have the strong bond any couple could wish for. Even at school, they hang out with the Wonderland kids. Their group motto is 'Never Stop Wondering', cute right? Then we have Chad, Audrey, Doug, Jane, and Lonnie. Well, let's just say you're not gonna want to forget about them. A little tip, they become really close to the Vk's, mainly Jane and Lonnie.

You didn't forget about Harry, did you? Well all the way back to the Isle, our dear little Harry has not once forgotten about dear old Piper. Especially since she's now on all the Tv's left and right. But he never stops thinking about Piper. Piper's the reason he hasn't hooked up with Uma or Mal. Of course, his heart shatters when he sees Ben and Piper being best friends on live TV, so he wasn't shocked if Piper as forgotten about him. Sadly he doesn't know that she thinks about him forever and always. As for Piper, the VKs confessed to her about Harry being on the Isle and him being with Uma and Gil. So Piper was left heart shattered at the thought that Harry has replaced her. Sadly she doesn't know that he thinks about her forever and always.

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