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I'm so sorry I haven't updated in two weeks. I've been sick and busy all week. I plan on writing another chapter today to make up for it. I hope you enjoy!

As they started walking away the yellow force field disappeared. "That... doesn't seem good." David spoke as we all looked at it.

"No, it doesn't." Regina replied as we headed towards the door.

We got inside and spread out. "Emma?" Mary Margaret called out as we all kept looking. Maya headed towards the overly hinged door.

Maya was about to open the door when she heard Mary Margaret whisper. She went over and saw Emma laying on the couch. Mary Margaret called everyone down and Emma explained everything.

She had been doing all of this to get rid of the darkness and she wanted to use Zelena to transfer the dark powers and ultimately destroy all of it and her. Sadly, there was more and Hook ended up dying from Excalibur, but Emma transferred Merlins power into him creating a second dark one. He found out and cuffed her. Now he was running ramped trying to do... well Emma couldn't remember.

Maya was worried for Hook, knowing he was very dangerous and also that he probably didn't want to be lured by the darkness in the first place. She still understood why Emma did it though because she never would risk losing her love on purpose. She still was pissed at her sister for what happened to Zachariah so she sat listening, but she didn't say a word. She didn't even want to look at her.

"Well now you can give us back our memories. The dream catchers. Regina can access them can't she?" Mary Margaret asked looking to her eldest daughter. "We can piece together Hooks plan and stop him."

"I'm afraid not." David said walking in. "The dream catchers you said we're in the shed. They're gone." David sighed shaking his head.

"What the hell is captain dark one up to?" Regina asked looking at us.

"Whatever it is, we'll find him and stop him. I'll stop him." Maya nodded looking to them all.

Regina's phone rang and she picked it up. "Hello. He what?! Okay. Meet at my house as soon as possible." Regina answered before looking at us. "Killing Rumplestiltskin is number one on his list of dark one deeds apparently." Regina angrily told everyone. "We are meeting him and Belle at my house."

Everyone got up and headed out and Emma grabbed Maya's hand before she walked to far. "Maya let me explain." Emma frowned looking to her twin.

"We have bigger problems like cleaning up your messes." Maya responded shooting electricity through her hand causing Emma to jolt her hand up at the shock. Maya crossed her arms and walked out, Emma following after not saying a word.

Maya was jealous. Emma was able to save her love with ease but Maya couldn't do a thing about her own. Over lining her jealousy was anger. What Emma did made everything worse for everyone else. It was all a mess that she had to clean. She couldn't help but be mad at Emma and she had never been this mad at her sister.

They got to Regina's and Gold explained what was going on. "It only makes sense that revenge would be on his mind." He stated as they all sat around a table.

"Why wipe my memory if he was going to announce his plan anyway? There must be more to it." Emma stated.

"Well even if there is we only have until noon to stop him and to save you." Belle replied putting her hand on Rumple's arm.

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