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The next day rolled around and Maya was walking around with Zach looking for Hook. The night before they found out it was possible for people to go to a better place from the underworld. Regina's father made it there apparently and Mary Margaret especially wanted to save more people.

Maya, although wanting to help people, she couldn't help but to want to help Zachariah more. She wanted to help him, put her heart in him. She had no idea how to figure it out either. She just had to wait and hope that when she went back she could put her heart in him. It Rose her anxiety to the max.

Maya walked around with Zach through the woods looking for any sign of the one handed pirate. They hadn't had any luck finding anything yet.

"I wish I was better at tracking." Maya said looking around wishing she inherited the skill.

"That's what you have me for." Zachariah smiled slightly looking at the ground.

Maya looked down. The thought of her soon possibly being without him again frightened her.

"Hey. I didn't mean to-" Zach started.

"No it's fine. We have to have hope that it will work." She smiled lightly up to him, trying to convince herself more than him.

"But if it doesn't..." Zach paused.

"I-" Maya shook her head. "We should go check the loft, see if anyone else has had any luck." She changed the topic. Zach gave her a silent nod not wanting to upset her even more than she already was.

They got back to the loft and she saw her parents, Emma, Regina, and a frightened girl about the same age as herself. Her blue eyes giving off the thought that she had been through a lot. Not a piece of her was without worry at the moment. "Is everything okay?" Maya asked confused.

"We think we know where Hook is and who we need to stop him. His name is Hercules." Mary Margaret nodded.

"Hercules?" Maya asked raising her eyebrows lightly.

"We should get going. We don't know how much time we have, or he has." Emma replied looking to Maya as she headed out the front door. Emma hadn't taken a break since they got there. It was almost as if she was hyper from the lack of sleep. She moved quickly to find her true love.

They headed straight to Granny's. After listening to the blind witch ramble about things irrelevant to the question she finally got to the answer. The way she spoke made her seem as if she had been looking into some third eye that gave her knowledge. Mary Margaret decided to go. Apparently she knew him. Maya didn't think her parents could be any more awesome but she was happily mistaken.

Snow came back with who everyone assumed was Hercules. He seemed nervous but he tried to hide it. The beasts name was Cerberus. Maya remembered it from English. Hades had a pet dog, a vicious one with three heads. At the mention of its name the frightened girl seemed to hold her breath and let out a shiver.

"So who's going?" Emma asked looking around.

"I will. You stay here and make sure she stays safe." Maya said turning to Zach before he could even let out a sound. He nodded and she kissed his cheek lightly.

"I'll go." Mary Margaret nodded.

"You probably need some more back up." Regina stepped forward.

"Alright." Emma nodded.

"So you are one of her daughters?" Hercules asked as Maya walked in front of him. He seemed just as confused as everyone else who had heard that before.

Curious: Enchanted ~OUAT Fanfic [Season 5]Where stories live. Discover now