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They walked down Main Street to look for Hook. Emma was in front and she was in a hurry.

"Emma slow down. We need to talk about this. We need a plan." David requested.

"The plan is to stop Hook before he resurrects the other dark ones. You think dealing with one is bad." Emma said as she continued walking.

"There's more than one dark one?" Elroy asked running over with the other dwarves.

"It's a long story." David answered not wanting to get into it.

"Well no matter there is seven of us." Leroy responded.

"Six. Dopey's still a tree." Happy added.

"We may be down a dwarf but we are ready to fight." Leroy responded readily.

"We won't have to. I'm going to take care of this." Emma replied.

"You think you can talk him out of this?" David asked hoping for a less violent option.

"There's no talking. We have to hit him with everything we've got." Regina replied looking to David.

"Well it's not his fault. He didn't want to become the dark one." Mary Margaret defended him.

"But he did because of me. None of this matters anymore." Emma said as she turned around. "Regina's right. We have to hit him with everything we've got."

"Emma this is the man you loved." Mary Margaret replied almost with disapproval.

"That man died back in Camelot. Now all there is is the dark one." Emma answered. "So no matter how hard this might be, we need to split up and stop him... no matter what it takes." Maya could tell Emma truly didn't want to hurt him but she also could tell that Emma believed there was no other option.

Maya separated from the others and looked down the road. She saw a black hooded figure coming towards her. "Step away or I will attack." She said putting her hands up.

She shot her magic towards it but it went right through. It went through her and she lost breath for a second. The figure disappeared as she looked down the road. She saw everyone else standing there confused.

"Check your wrists." She heard Gold say as she looked at hers. There was a mark. She looked at the others, her parents, the dwarves, Henry, and the others. "That is the mark of Charon." He added.

"Charon? He was the ferryman in the old myths. He navigated a boat... to the underworld." Henry said as Maya looked at them concerned.

"You see the dark ones only have a temporary pass into this world like a- a tourist visa. The only way for them to stay is to trade places with living souls.

"Meaning us?" David asked.

"Exactly. When the moon reaches its peak the ferry from the underworld will arrive and drag us down there." Gold explained.

"That doesn't sound good." David shook his head.

"Speaking as one who is died and been there, it's not." Gold replied.

"So is there anyway to stop it?" Maya asked looking to the former dark one.

"I'm afraid not. The underworld is worse than you can possibly imagine. It's gonna make you wish the old stories of fire and brimstone were true." Rumple explained walking towards everyone. "When the realization that death has already come and fresh torture is all that's left."

"Gold you're scaring Henry." Emma said holding onto her son.

"Good because you should all be scared. This is death itself. It's a fight we cannot win." He replied raising his voice.

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