Ooo Lah Lah!!

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As Skylar and Vincent were finishing up, Skylar asked Vincent something. "Master..Can you take this..leash off..please.." he said quietly. Skylar was scared of Vincent, knowing who was master and who was the puppy. Vincent grabbed the leash and pulled Skylar all the way to his car. "Get in, sit like a dog, Puppy.." Vincent said annoyingly to Skylar.

Skylar obeyed. Vincent drove all the way home in silence, Skylar still naked in the back. Skylar fixed his hair, just to be spanked. "BAD BOY!" Vincent yelled to the top of his lungs making Skylar gasp and curl into a small ball.
Vincent then stopped and went inside a gas station for some snacks. Skylar got some water and plain ships. Vincent got a monster (it's an energy drink) and some bread. Wonder why..


Skylar now knew to never question Vincent, so he just ate his chips like a good boy. His water was for later though...huh.

This was short...I am very tired and sore, wHoOps!
(Blame the shitty P.E teachers)

Skylar X VincentWhere stories live. Discover now