Chapter one: Who is this chick?

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Donnies POV

   Two days ago, April was captured by the Kraang. Yesterday we found out where she was. Today we will try to save her.

I climb down the building with my brothers, and enter the skyscraper through the back door. You think they would keep this place under lock and key, but I haven't seen any of the Kraang yet.

"Mikey, be quiet!" I turn around to see Raph whisper yell at Mikey who almost knocked over a pile of boxes.

"Someone's coming," Leo says and we hide in the shadows like we've been trained to do.

Two of the Kraang come walking down the hallway and into the sort of storage room we've been hiding in. Raph quickly disables them and starts to run down the hallway and we follow suit. After a few seconds and one left turn, we come to what looks like a surveillance room with monitors and control panels around a center pillar in the room. I look at all the screens and start to think that maybe we should have done more watching before we acted. How are we ever going to find April in th-

"Guys, over here! I found her!" Mikey waves us over to a screen that's slightly tilted showing April laying in what looks like a cell.

"I think it's this way." He says and points to one of the many hallways that branch off from the central room.

"We'll find her eventually if we just keep looking, and if we run into any Kraang we'll just have to bash in their brains." Raph says as he turns and runs down the hallway Mikey had previously pointed at. The rest of us reluctantly follow him, conforming to the twists and turns of the hallway. At least there is only one way to go... We soon come across a room with about ten or so cells and a control panel placed in between every other door. I look into the closest cell to see a pink slime covering the walls, and then it opens its many eyes and blinks at me. Oh lord its alive. I look away and start to look in the second one when Raph calls me over.

"Donnie I found her." He rushes with his words almost tripping over them and I run up to the small window on the door.

"Guys! If this is a rescue mission you better hurry up, the guards should be coming around soon." She does no effort to stay quiet, and I hear rustling in the cell next to us.

"Don't worry, we're gonna get you out of here." I say as I open the panel reveling its inner workings.

"Well you better hurry up Don because something big is coming." Leo yells. I turn my head to see a creature on all fours with the snout of a dog, the hind legs of horse, bat ears, and many more characteristics from other animals. I start to work faster, cutting wires and flipping switches. Ya' know, smart stuff. Maybe if I had more time I could've figured it out, but I was working so fast i didn't realize that when the door to Aprils cell finally did open, another door opened. And out walked a girl no older than 18 with long white hair and beautiful (e/c) eyes. I didn't think, I just grabbed her and ran.

"GUYS!! Lets get out of here now!!" I scream and turn behind me to make sure April is following, only to see her be lifted up by Mikey. We run and doge the lasers being shot at us, and when I look down, the girl in my arms is covering her ears. Then I look back up to see that we've been surrounded by at least a hundred of the robots, all holding guns. I don't know if we'll be able to escape while keeping April and the girl safe, and when I turn to Leo I can tell he is thinking the same thing.

"Got any ideas?" Mikey says as he puts down April getting ready to fight.

"Hey, you are trying to save me right?" I realize the question came from the girl, and whisper a small 'yea' in response.

"Thank you, but if you could put me down, I think it may be beneficial to you and your friends." I think about staring at her for a second but then remember we are about to be killed and whatever she's about to do is one idea more than the rest of us have. I quickly drop her t her feet before pulling my bo staff off my back and getting ready to fight. She takes a step forward and puts out her hand, like she's telling someone to stop, and then every last one of the robots fall back against the wall.

The girl puts her hand down and looks back at me.

"You can still carry me if you want."


So that was the first chapter, and I'm a bit proud of myself. Ill try to update when ever I can, but I have school and a really clingy boyfriend so we'll see how it goes. I know it seems weird that you have long white hair, but all will be reveled soon~~~~

Or something~~~~

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