Chapter two: So she's staying...

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Donnies POV

   "Come on, they won't stay down for long, I know how to get you guys out of here if you follow me." The girl starts to run, and we follow her for lack of better options. We soon come across the exit, but when she gets outside, she just stands there.

"I don't know where to go." She looks at me with fear in her eyes.

"Just follow us, we know a safe place to go." The look on her face soon changes from scared to determined, and she follows us through the twists and turns of the back allies of New York City surprisingly well. 

Raph is the first one to reach the manhole, and pushes the cover aside before plunging into the darkness. The rest of us shadow his movements. She looks down the hole, and then back at the street, and up at the stars.

"Just jump, I promise I'll catch you." With one last look to the sky, she jumps down the hole and into my arms. I look down into her eyes, and she looks up at me with wonder.

"You aren't human..." She says.

"No, we aren't. We'll take you to the lair and keep you safe, but it's a secret place so you'll have to wear this." Leo states as he hands the girl a strip of cloth. She looks at him with puzzling eyes, and ties it around her wrist.

"It's for your eyes." April says in a matter of fact voice, and the girl complies by tying the cloth over her face. With a strange, blindfolded girl in my arms, we run back to the lair.

~~Time skip to lair~~

The girl looks around in aw at our home, staring at everything individually for a minute.

"So what exactly are you?" she turns to Leo.

"We're turtles... Mutant turtles." He says, almost in shame.

"I see," She says thoughtfully, "And are all turtles sentient beings?" I want to laugh, but I realize she is dead serious.

"No idiot, we aren't you're everyday turtles, one reason being we can talk!" Raph spits out. "Now why don't you go home? I'm sure your family is worried about you." He turns and walks towards the couch.

"But I just left my home, and I'm not particularly eager to go back." She picks up one of the comic books, and opens it, a look of wow covering her face.

"This paper-back book is comprised mostly of pictures, fascinating!" 

"So you lived with the Kraang? You aren't a robot are you?" Mikey says.

"Sorry to disappoint, but I am in fact comprised entirely of flesh and blood." She sits down and starts to read.

"Well I'm sure you don't want to stay in the smelly sewers, so if you'd be on your marry little way, we'd all be very happy." Raph says, not even bothering to look up.

"I don't have anywhere to go, plus I don't know very much about human culture and the Kraang will  be looking for me, they spent a lot of time and resources raising and trying to brain wash me."

"Dudette, did you fling those guys with your mind?" Mikey questions, and then sits down next to the strange girl.

"Yes, but my name is not dudette, it's (y/n)."

"Mikey calls everyone dude or dudette, it's just a nickname." April says looking down at (y/n).

"Yes, I know what a nickname is, like 019."

"That's not a nickname dudette." He shifts his weight to his left leg.

"Well, I know it's not a traditional nickname like tiger is for a little boy and sweetheart is for a girl, but that's what the Kraang called me, I gave myself my own name." She studies one of the panels, squinting her eyes, before flipping the page.

"But why?" I ask. She puts down the book and looks up at me.

"The Kraang knew some humans, even some important humans, were finding out about them, so to distract them they wanted to create a human killing monster to cause chaos and problems. They tried eighteen other times before being semi-successful with number nineteen, me. after a while I just stopped listening to their teachings and their brain washing fell apart. They wanted to turn me into a weapon, and all I wanted was to go to a high school like in the movies they showed me. I was created by the Kraang, this is the first human interaction I've ever had. Well, turtle..."

"Oh, that's nice. We just invited a monster turned good into our home. What next, the Shredder?" Raph says.

"That wasn't very nice of you to say mister."

"I'm only sixteen!!" Raph screams.

"But dudette, you seem fairly harmless, what's so terrible about you?"

"Oh, I'm pretty sure it's what you would call being a vampire."

...Cause this is just what we need.

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