Chapter 7- She's still staying?

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Donnie's POV

She's still shaking even after I cleaned her wounds, so I decide it'd be best to just stay in here with her the rest of the night. In my room. Away from my family.

"You should be resting," (Y/N) turns to me "cause I'm sure you're tired."

"Then come rest with me." I gesture to the bed in the corner of my room. 

"I don't require much rest, three hours a night is sufficient." Only three hours? now shes gonna tell me she sleeps upside down or something.

"Come on, take a nap with me." Yea I want some sleep, but my bed is small with just me and all I want right now is an excuse to have (Y/N) close to me.

...Holy shit that was pervy. That was really pervy, stop that Donnie.

"But why? I do not require sleep at this point in the day." 

"You just bit me the least you could do is nap with me afterwards (Y/N)." I smile after to ensure she knows I'm joking. Please let her know I'm only joking. 

"If you wish me to I'll participate in this thing you called a nap" She walks over to the bed, eyeing it as if it is some mythical animal.

"You nap on this?"

"It's a bed, so yea you sleep on it." I throw myself on the bed, shocking (Y/N) a bit, and then pull her into my arms.

"I usually sleep hanging from a bar, but I guess this is ok." I called it, what did I tell ya, I fucking called it.

"Are you comfortable?" I look down into her (e/c) eyes and blush at her closeness. I've never had long enough to realize just how beautiful she is.

"Yes, your body heat comforts me greatly, I didn't know napping was so warm." She's so cute.

"Th-that's good" She nudges closer to me and closes her eyes. I can hear her breathing, and she smells nice... god was that creepy? I swear I mean it in the most innocent way possible I promise I'm not a pervert.

I should just relax, just breath and go to sleep. Today was hectic and I need a power nap, so what if there's a pretty girl in my bed that shouldn't distract me from sleeping its just something friends do. Yea friends share a bed sometimes, besides it's not like she's undressed or som- Donnie get your head out of the gutter!

"Thank you for the nap." She says with her eyes still closed.

"Y-yea... no problem."



Yea yea, I know this is short and that its way over due but I have a competition tomorrow at 8:00 and it's 11:10 right now so cut me some slack and have some fluff

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