-The fun-

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Their friendship was budding again after eight years and they are a step forward to turn friendship into love. But would this step be a difficult one which would make them go away from each other?

Sometime before,
The next morning, Shivay and Anika met each other at a garden which was near to both of their house. They saw each other again with the same affection after 8 years and quickly pulled each other into a hug, a tight bone crushing hug. An awkward silence then prevailed. Shivay broke the trance and suggested to go for morning walk. After the morning walk and some sweet conversations and cute moments, they bought coconut juice, and both drank it from one coconut because 'usse pyaar badhta hai' like how Anika says it. And how can they forget to capture their million dollar smile seeig each other. They clicked about 100 selfies with each other obviously to post it on social media and show the world that they have now got their best friend. It is digital world, so why would they not let their fans know that they both are finally together.

It was 10am , and both decided to go to university just for a lecture and then bunk the class. They weren't attendance freak, they just wanted to let their college mates about their budding friendship. They went to their class and Shivay introduced Kunal to Anika. The trio laughed and talked together and had a fun time. While talking, Anika dared shivay to prank a professor and also made him wear the band which she had kept safe with her since 8 years. The band was the first witness of their friendship.

Anika: So you got your answer? Game was, is and will always be on. Never forget that.

So the game is now officially on.

Shivay was happy to know this, and accepted the dare. He got an idea and did something with professor's chair and came back. Anika and Kunal didn't notice this and when he came back they both kept asking him how he will prank the professor to which shivay just kept mum. The professor eneterd and explained few things, while students were reading it again, he decided to sit on the chair not knowing that one of the leg of chair was broken. He sat and 'dhadaaam' the sound came. He was on the floor and also few students because of rolling on floor laughing. The class was full of laughter riots.
The professor got angry and dismissed the lecture. Shivay and Anika bunked the next class and went to the nearest mall, Alpha mall, for having some good time together.

Shivay and Anika also did some shopping for each other. Anika trying to bargain over things and Shivay being embarrassed and then they had to leave the shop. This was the scene almost in every shop of mall. They finally decided to go alone to buy things and meet near food court. When shopping was over they met near the food court, had their lunch, ate ice-cream and then left to watch movies. There was again a quarrel between two for which movie to watch. They finally decided to watch a Bollywood movie on Anika's insistence because Shivay knew Anika would somehow make him agree to it. While Shivay is also Shivay, so he dared Anika to do something wierd/awkward in the theatre. Anika also being Anika accepted it. It was a comedy movie so it wasn't a difficult task for Anika, she kept passing on some comments in her khidkitodh language making other people burst into laughter and also she was whistling for few scenes.

The movie ended and it was evening then. They had dinner together at a restaurant nearby and decided to head back home. Their home was nearby so they decided to walk back home. Anika dared Shivay to dance on the road. Shivay was hesitating to accept this because dancing on road would meant that people will make fun of him, and being an Oberoi he was very popular so that may also be a headline in newspaper next day, but he still accepted it. He was thinking if he would start dancing on the road, he would look like a monkey, because dancing was not his cup of tea. He then saw a baraat/varghodo passing nearby where people were dancing on road. He assured that Anika will only ask him to stop dancing and he started dancing with the group. The girls recognized him as the most eligible bachelor, Shivay Singh Oberoi and tried flirting with him. Anika couldn't see this and her Jealous side was witnessed by Shivay when she dragged shivay out of the group and then they finally walked back to their home.

Shivay and Anika had good time together with the game being on, and a day well spent with bestie. It was a normal regular day turned to a very special day and their first date. It would be a understatement to say that enjoyed it. For they not only enjoyed it, there was something more to it. Their friendship was budding again after eight years and they are a step forward to turn friendship into love. But would this step be a difficult one which would make them go away from each other? Let destiny and author decide this, for they loved and enjoyed the day not caring about amy past or future happenings.

Precap: "Aren't you my best friend?"

"No. You were never my bestfriend!"

Heyya everyone, I know I am late again and now I know that updating this book daily is not my cup of tea so assuring you that this book would definitely be updated alternate days. If you like the update, make sure to tap the star icon and drop your opinions in comments section. And what's with the precap, any idea?

If any spelling mistakes or grammatical error please ignore them or correct me and I will edit it soon.

Thank-you for reading :)

Until Next Time
Tata, bubye
Lots of love to all

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