-They are caught-

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"I dare you Anika, to agree to whatever I say for just one day"

"Huh! You got me so bad Shivay" she said with a sigh "Dare accepted"

Sometime before,
Anika asked Shivay to leave the venue because she didn't want him to do any drama in her marriage. Shivay was adamant to not leave her Anika. He knew Anika didn't want to marry the person she was to marry, and was marrying just because her ego said that she shouldn't marry shivay. He knew she was still angry with him, but all he could do was request, request her to forgive him.

"Anika, listen to me. Just once. I know you don't want to marry Rohit, then why are you doing this?"

"That's none of your business Mr. Shivay"

"That is, that definitely is, because this is matter of my best friend's life. I cannot let you ruin you whole life with someone you don't even know properly"

"Shivay, whatever you did two years back, has made me to hate you. Now you don't have any right to call me your best friend. You have lost that right."

"Anika, I know I did a mistake, but what you did was also wrong. Did you expect me to hug you for what you did?"

"Then what I should have done knowing that you were hanging out with someone else's best friend when you had your bestie with you?"

"That was my plan to make Shrenu and Kunal come close. I didn't know the plan would backfire so badly."

"Whatever. It was your mistake and now I am never forgiving you." She said with an angry look.

"Hey, stop giving me that look" he got an idea "I know how to convince you" he spoke while smirking.

"I dare you Anika, to agree to whatever I say for just one day"

"Huh! You got me so bad Shivay" she said with a sigh "Dare accepted"

"Woah! I thought you left the game behind, but you still like the game. The game is still on."

"Do you think I would be able to leave behind the dare game?"

"Okay, so now, kaam ki baat, no bakwaas. I and Kunal have a plan ready"

"And what is it?"

"Wait and watch. You just do whatever you're asked too" he said winking, while Anika gave a 'I hate you' look to him.

Anika went to get ready, and Shivay came back to his room where kunal was already waiting for him. "All well?" He asked. "Of course. I am a pro at convincing her" Shivay said upping his imaginary collar. "Hello mister, stop self-praising, I know what would have come to your help." Kunal stated the fact being so obvious. "Huh whatever." Shivay said trying to get out of awkwardness.

"The plan is ready, right?" Shivay asked to avoid any risk.

"Yup. Rohit is already given the sleeping pills and is now resting in our car" He chuckled. "Now we have to get you changed in his clothes and I have also arranged the sehra for you."

"Woah! Proud of you man. I wonder what would I do if God hadn't sent you in my life"

"I know the answer. You would have been admitted in a mental asylum" He chuckled, while Shivay glared him. "Don't give me that look, I am not afraid of you" Kunal stated it as a fact.

"Anyways, Now we shall implement our plan. shall we?"

"Oh yeah, I for a moment completely forgot why I had to miss the match and come here." He said sarcastically.

"Over? Are you over with the sarcasm? Or something is more to it?" Shivay spoke while glaring him.

"Okay, sorry! Now let's go. You have to get yourself changed in groom's clothes and shift to his room"

Shivay did as Kunal told and they without being suspected swapped the groom. They were now ready for the wedding. Anika being unaware of their plan was still in her thoughts as to what will shivay do. She knew that to stop the marriage shivay would do anything, literally anything and force her into that too. Her thoughts were disturbed when her dad came to take her to the manadap.

She came and saw the groom already seated there. She also sat beside him and glaced around the venue to find shivay. She was hoping that shivay would come to stop the marriage because even she was doing the marriage just because her dad asked her to. She was furious on shivay but still had a soft corner in her heart for him. She had mixed feelings for Shivay.

The wedding soon started and Anika's nervousness increased, she was waiting for Shivay, and there shivay was enjoying Anika's nervous looks, her cute pout on not finding him near her, he was adoring her all the while. He could even hear to Anika's silent rantings for him. "Where did he go, here I am waiting for him and he might be somewhere hanging around with that useless Kunal because of whom I and Shivay for separated" she was blabbering it with slight furious tone.

Shivay was all the while silent but when she started the blame game, he couldn't stay silent. How can she blame his partner in crime for their seperarion. "Hey that was not because of Kunal" He finally broke the silence.

"You stay quiet, you don't know anything." She said not realising that it was shivay sitting beside her and not Rohit.

"Then who else knows this?" Shivay asked trying to pull her leg.

"Shivay?" She spoke when realisation hit her. Unfortunately the whisper was quite louder this time making everyone give her a questioning look.

"Wh..what?" She asked trying to sound normal. But she was late, pretty late. Everyone insisted the groom to remove the sehra and, taddaa, the secret is no more a secret, it was like a public announcement that look look who's sitting beside me, yes it's Shivay and not Rohit. Anika invited trouble and was caught badly.
Precap: The running Shaadi

Heyya everyome, if you like the update, make sure to tap the star icon and drop your opinions in comments section. Next update would be the last update, and the book would end soon. :(
Sorry for the same precap, I wanted to end the book in this update itself, but then it would become a long chapter. And someone asked me to not end the book in this update, so #pastry, tunhara hukum sar aankhon pe :P

If any spelling mistakes or grammatical error please ignore them or correct me and I will edit it soon. The update is unedited.

Thank-you for reading :)

Until Next Time
Tata, bubye
Lots of love to all

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