-They parted their ways-

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He started breaking every mirror of his home resulting into the glass pieces to pierce his hand and his hand started bleeding severly. He then sprinkled some red chilli powder on the wound.

Sometime before,
Shivay and Anika parted their ways when Anika dared Shivay to not show his face to him for the next 2 years. Anika was taken to hospital by other students of university, while shivay informed Shrenu that he would never meet her again and asked her to quit the plan they had planned and also covers her love to Kunal when she gets chance. He also informed Shrenal that he would move to a new city to complete the next two years of MBA and asked them to not to call him.

He returned his home with a heavy heart full of guilt. His guilt was killing him. He knew that letting Anika jump from terrace was the biggest mistake he did in his entire life, but he was sure she will be alive, she has to be alive for him. He couldn't even look at his own face I the mirror. He wanted to repent his mistake by punishig himself and so he started breaking every mirror of his home resulting into the glass pieces to pierce his hand and his hand started bleeding severly. He then sprinkled some red chilli powder on the wound to punish himself very badly.

This didn't reduce the guilt but somewhere he got the little satisfaction that he atleast suffered a part of what he made Anika suffer. He knew she was wrong with what she did, but could he stay angry with her when what he did was also wrong? His was the bigger mistake than Anika's. Anika just unintentionally tried to stop him from accomplishing his dream but he intentionally let Anika fight between life and death. The hatred inside him had grown more than his love. The hatred of few hours became stronger that the love of 9 years.

After about an hour Kunal came to meet shivay at his home and to update him about Anika's condition and saw him lying on the floor with wounds and blood everywhere on his body. He quickly took him to the nearest clinic and requested for quick medication. He thought he would update shivay about Anika's condition, little did he knew he himself will get updated about Shivay's condition. The doctor adviced a week's rest to shivay, so shivay decided to move to new city after a week. Kunal stayed back with shivay because Shivay's parents were stuck somewhere and couldn't come back. While Shrenu stayed back with Anika, that Anika who used to hate her because of jealousy or say her insecurity.

Kunal informed shivay that Anika's legs had major fracture and she was prescribed 2 months rest. Shivay's guilt again started disturbing him that because of him she had to face this. Are they to be blamed for each other's condition or their passion for fulfilling dare is to be blamed. Shouldn't the dare game to be blamed? Wasn't it just because of that dare game that they were both in such situation?

A week later shivay's condition was better and so he decided to move in to he new city. He wanted to see Anika for one last time but he couldn't go because of her dare. He got an idea. Since Anika was still admitted in hospital, he went to the hospital in disguise of a doctor. It was not difficult for him to get permitted to meet Anika. According to the dare he doesn't have to show Anika guys face, so he put on a mask and wore a pair of glasses. He also put on contract lenses so that Anika didn't recognize him from his kanji aankhen. He entered into the room and seeing Anika, he got teary eyed but stopped her tears from flowing down his cheeks.

He admired her beauty for one last time and then quickly left from the hospital. After meeting Kunal and Shrenu and requesting them to mend their friendship and also confess their feelings for each other he left the city thinking that the memories will also be left behind by doing so. Little did he know that the memories and the guilt will keep disturbing him till everything between him and Anika is sorted out. For world they were best friends but they knew that what feelings they had for each other. It was their first love and first love is difficult to forget.

Shivay took admission in new university and continued his MBA, he didn't want anything to disturb his studies. In university he would study with full concentration and would avoid socialising as much as possible. He didn't want to socialize with anyone, he wanted to live life just with himself. He wanted to feel the lonliness as a part of his punishment. He also used to work asking with studies to keep himself busy so that the dark memories don't disturb him.

After two months even Anika's condition improved, she could even walk now and started going to college too. Anika and Shrenu also became friends because Shrenu was the one taking care of Anika when her father was busy. Anika missed shivay, she missed him very much because she still loved him and it was difficult for her to forget shivay. But that doesn't mean she forgave him. She loved and hated shivay at the same time. Her heart loved him, brain hated him. She would show that she has forgotten those memories but only she knew how much those memories haunted her.

She kept continuing her studies not wanting her studies to get affected. She kept her feelings and studies apart and would manage to achieve the first rank in her class.

Precap: "That friendship was over"

"It really was!"

Heyya everyome, if you like the update, make sure to tap the star icon and drop your opinions in comments section. Sorry for the same precap but after reading comments of yesterday's update I wanted to show Shivay's guilt too.

If any spelling mistakes or grammatical error please ignore them or correct me and I will edit it soon. Don't know how this was coz I typed this in less than 30 mins because I wanted to publish it at 3pm. Also the update is unedited.

Thank-you for reading :)

Until Next Time
Tata, bubye
Lots of love to all

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