Part 7

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Their luck has run out: The further they travel, the worse the weather seems to grow. The temperature has plummeted and the snow is pelting on them like icicles by the gale-force winds.

The hobbits are pulled against the men, their cloaks drawn tightly against them, but clearly they suffer. They struggle through the snow that is fresh and deep. The only ones that do not seem that much bothered are Ithilae and Legolas. Their steps are light enough to carry them atop the snow.

Their ears are focused on something carried along by the wind; "Cuiva nwalca Carnirasse; nai yarvaxea rasselya!"

"There is a fell voice on the air!" Legolas is the first to point out.

"Someone seems set on working against us!" Ithilae adds, looking to Gandalf who has stopped in his tracks.

"It's Saruman!" His exclamation is followed by thundering crack and they dive aside when snow and rock starts to tumble their way from above.

"He's trying to bring down the mountain! Gandalf! We must turn back!" Aragorn urges, finding the situation too dangerous. However, Gandalf is not willing to give up just yet.

He steps up to the front, holding out his hands and staff, "Losto Caradhras, sedho, hodo, nuitho i 'ruith!" he chants. He is only answered by Sauron, who chants harder.

A streak of lightning snaps against the ridge above them, making it groan before a massive weight of snow comes tumbling down onto the company. For a moment, their vision grows dark.

It takes a moment, but each and every one of them clambers from the snow, now feeling more cold then ever. Boromir turns to the wizard. "We must get off the mountain! Make for the Gap of Rohan and take the west road to my city!" he urges.

"The Gap of Rohan takes us too close to Isengard!" Aragorn rebukes.

"If we cannot pass over the mountain, let us go under it! Let us go through the Mines of Moria!" Gimli calls over the wind.

After a moment of contemplation, Gandalf turns his eyes to Frodo. "Let the Ringbearer decide." he says, putting Frodo on the spot. The poor hobbit looks torn.

"We cannot stay here! This will be the death of the hobbits!" Boromir shouts, looking worriedly over to Merry and Pippin clinging to his side.

"Frodo?" Gandalf questions gently as the hobbit gazes around the scared and cold faces, lingering on Sam's for a moment.

"We will go through the Mines." he finally says through chattering teeth.

Gandalf expression turns even more grim than before. "So be it." And thus begins their journey back down the mountain. It is by no means an easy way towards the entrance of the Mines, but most of them were relieved when the winds finally dropped and the snow lessened.

They follow the path until they reach a vast wall. Two trees stand guard in front of it, while a lake darker than any they've seen before lies before it.

"Ah! The walls of Moria!" Gimli exclaim in content. "Dwarf doors are invisible when closed." he explains for whomever wishes to hear.

"Yes Gimli! Their own masters cannot find them, if their secrets are forgotten!" Gandalf says from the front.

Legolas can't help but release a light snort. "Why doesn't that surprise me!" he insults, earning a glare from the dwarf. Ithilae gives a roll of her eyes, finding the jabs the two of them have been giving each other frequently quite petty.

Gandalf comes to a standstill between the two trees, resting his hand on the stone and whiping some of the dirt from it. "Ah... now let me see.... Ithildin. It mirrors only starlight...and moonlight." he explains, his gaze turning skyward.

The hobbits can't help but throw a glance at Ithilae at the familiarity of the name when suddenly the clouds part and the moon shines it light down upon the wall. The door to Moria reveals itself. Ithilae herself takes a short moment to marvel at her grandfather's work.

Gandalf points at the writing that has appeared above with his staff, following the lettering, "It reads 'The Doors of Durin, Lord of Moria, Speak Friend and Enter'." he says.

"What do you suppose that means?" Merry wonders.

"Oh it's quite simple. If you are a friend, you speak the password and the doors will open." Gandalf states confidently before turning back to the doors, holding out his hands and staff.

Ithilae opens her mouth to interrupt, but Gandalf leaves her no time to do so. "Annon Edhellen, edro hi ammen! (Gate of the Elves, open now for me!)" he chants.

Gandalf looks confused when nothing happens and once again Ithilae opens her mouth to speak. "Ga-..." She gets no further because the wizard starts chanting once again.

"Nothing's happening." Pippin states the obvious.

"I once knew every spell in all the tongues of Elves, Men and Orcs." Gandalf muses.

"What're you going to do then?" Pippin asks foolishly.

"You shou-..." Ithilae starts, before once again being interrupted by the wizard. She throws her hands up in despair.

"Knock your head against these doors Peregrin Took! And if that does not shatter them and I'm allowed a little peace from foolish questions I will try to find the opening words." Gandalf scolds the young hobbit before giving another fruitless shot.

Ithilae shares a look with her grandfather who has appeared beside her. "Just say the word." he urges her, but she merely waves him off. If Gandalf is being daft on purpose, she will not aid him. He can simmer on the riddle a while longer, at least until he either figures it out or she grows too impatient to wait. She settles against the wall, crossing her arms.

She glances towards Aragorn and Sam who relieve the pony that has been vigilantly crossing the land with them of his burdens. "The Mines are no place for a pony even one so brave as Bill." Aragorn tells Sam, who looks quite saddened to part with the animal.

"Bye Bill." Sam says sadly, patting the pony one last time.

"Don't worry Sam. He knows the way home." Aragorn assures him after urging the pony on, leaving it to trot away.

Ithilae's thoughts run to Randir. She can't help but miss her steed. Instead of leaving him in Imladris, she set him loose. He can take care of himself and they have the cunning ability to find each other again. She is sure that somewhere along the journey they will cross paths again.

A splash makes her snap out of her thoughts and her eyes flit towards Merry and Pippin who are tossing stones into the lake. Her back goes rigid. There are terrible things lurking in the deep, so she heard from stories. It's best not to disturb them.

She is on them in a split second, fetching Pippin's wrist before he throws in another stone. "Do not disturb the water, unless you wish to find out what lurks underneath its surface." she warns, feeling the hobbit shiver as he gulps, now gazing at the dark waters.

"It's a riddle!" comes Frodo's exclamation all of a sudden. He has been pondering on the gates and he does love to challenge his mind.

"Speak friend... and enter. What's the elvish word for friend?" he asks Gandalf, who looks to the hobbit with raised brows.

"Mellon." he speaks in reply.

A crack sounds as the doors of Moria part to reveal its mysteries. Everyone rises to their feet, following Gandalf inside as he leads the way.

"Come Ithilae!" Aragorn calls, waiting by the door, making her snap her gaze from the rippling water and hurriedly enters behind them.

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